Cheating The Deck {6}

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I sat outside of the restaurant, my shift having ended. I wanted to go back to the bar but I didn't feel like spending money and I didn't want my face to become too familiar there.

So instead, I continued to lean against the outside of the restaurant, watching people as they walked by. The restaurant, called Magellan's, was located in a mini plaza.

I leaned my head back, closing my eyes. My bike had a flat tire, so I'd had to walk here. It was a pretty lengthy walk, and I wasn't exactly looking forward to heading home.

But I knew that no one would come down to pick me up. They'd claim it was a waste of gas since I had perfectly functioning legs.

I opened my eyes, watching as more people scampered about the plaza. People were streaming in and out of the restaurant, making me glad that my shift was over. It had been an especially busy night for some reason.

"Well, I see the restaurant got around to taking the trash out."

"Original," I said, looking up at Jack.

He had a grocery bag in his hand, meaning he must have been at the grocery store on the other end of the plaza. He was swinging car keys around his finger.

"Break?" he guessed.

"End of shift," I said. "Thanks for texting my friends, by the way. They all think you're a charm."

"Take a good, long look at the restaurant. You won't be working there forever," he said.

"Never planned on working there forever. Just planned on working there to keep myself stable for a little," I said.

"So why are you just sitting out here?" he asked.

"Enjoying my view," I said. "That, and I'm not ready to walk home."

He raised an eyebrow. "You walk to work?"

"We can't all afford cars," I said.

"Most people would just invest in a bike," he said.

"Most people do invest in bikes and don't expect a flat tire right before work," I said.

"I'll give you a ride," he said.

I narrowed my eyes at him. Why the hell would he offer me a ride? Was he trying to make me owe him?

"Don't look at me like that. This isn't a pity thing and I'm not going to demand payback for it. My mom just raised me right," he said. "So either you want a ride, or you don't. Either way, it's not going to ruin my night."

Hm, maybe I could use this to my advantage. Not only would I get a ride home out of it, but maybe I could get Jack to leave my job alone.

"Fine," I said, standing up.

Jack led me over to his car and I climbed into the passenger's seat. He got in and tossed the grocery bag into the back seat, starting up the car.

He plugged his phone into the speakers and scrolled through the songs. He tapped one and backed out of the parking lot.

"Take your caution or take your chances, I'll mend your heart and break it in the same breath." The music broke the awkward silence between us as he drove.

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