† Twenty One †

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Reiji's POV...


"Wake up..."


A familiar made its way to my ears.


"Wake up, sleepy head..."


I tried to open my eyes, feeling as if my mind were playing tricks on me.


"Wake up..."


Finally, I openned my eyes and what surprised me was that I was in my room and right in front of me is the same woman that I hired Seiji Komori, Yui's adoptive father, to kill. She still has the same blone hair with bangs parted to side as well as her ocean blue eyes, similar to Shu-nii. But what seems amiss is that she has this gentle smile painting her face.

 But what seems amiss is that she has this gentle smile painting her face

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"M-mom..??" I asked in disbelief and she gently lean towards me. Her arms wrapped around me and she started saying some soothing words that she was so worried that she thought I would not wake up. I suddenly felt the urge to return the warm embrace that she gave me but I prevent myself from doing so.

I clenched my teeth and suddenly pushed her off of me before running down the hall towards the same gloomy room that I had always remember. "SHU-NII----!!!" I was suddenly off guard when I openned the door and saw the same look on him like the same one that I had earlier. However, this time it was Karlheinz who was with him.

The father whom we all hated smiled warmly at us and looked like he was very glad we waked up

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The father whom we all hated smiled warmly at us and looked like he was very glad we waked up. Suddenly, mom came up behind me and she looked saddened and worried that I rejected her earlier. "Is there something wrong, Reiji..??" she asked "Did I do something wrong..??"

No. This was not the mother I used to know. Ever so quickly, I was suddenly pulled by Shu-nii and was dragged away with him. I don't know if this place is actually the Sakamaki Mansion but what makes me feel bad in the pit of my stomach is that the bandages of our wounds proved that we came from the fight back in the Demon World.

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