Chapter 3: The Clearing and Him

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A/N: Did not fully edit, lo siento, sorry!!!


Maggie's POV

I exited the room that held a fearful Akila. I honestly felt bad for her and angered at this thing. I knew what it was, as did my au-mom Ruth. People have been after us for awhile now, trying to destroy us and the foundation we keep, God. The Devil himself has entered this home and attempted to attack us and failed. I wish they would get it, if God is for us, no one can be against!

Why do they keep trying to touch us and harm ur when they know they cant?

Walking through the empty and flickering hallway, I smiled lightly to myself.

“I don't know why you are here. There is nothing for you. Leave in Jesus name and do not return!” I yelled to the looming figure at the end of the hall that dared reveal itself to me.

It quickly dispersed and was gone, but I could feel more here. This had stopped for a week but when Akila came it started back up. She's vulnerable, and although they can't get to my mom or I, they can get to her. I would have to pray for her a lot more than I had thought. She doesn't even know of a God!

If she refuses to know Him, I sighed, she's practically refusing to live. I glanced around the hall and it was clean. I smiled and began to walk down the dark hallway. No one turned off the lights and I chuckled I know who had.

“It is amusing to myself and God that you keep trying. He is the all powerful. And what are you in comparison? Nothing. Remove yourself from this home in Jesus name and do not return!” My voice boomed loudly in French. I could feel the power of thee Holy Spirit moving inside me, breaking free and I began to speak in tongues that not even I could interpret but I knew my mom could.

My voice began to get louder and more melodic and the language rolled off my tongues like melted honey, smooth and warm. I smiled to myself as the beautiful language came out of me and my stomach clenched happily.

My mother had the gift of Divine interpretation as I liked to call it. If she were here she would be able to understand the rest of my words. I knew some French but the language had now changed from French to something different and I could tell by the difference in dialect. But it was removing the spirits and that was a good thing. I could literally feel the evil leaving in a flash and a peaceful silence fell upon the house. I flickered on the lights.

Time to go to sleep, I thought. I hopped the stairs like the innocent twelve year old I was, but if only the world knew of the power I held inside, given by the Lord, for it was the Lord's.

I walked back in my room and saw Akila knocked out on my bed and shrugged. I walked over to my duvet near the window that had a blanket on it. I checked the window and it was locked. I grabbed my light blue, thick blanket and covered myself with it.

This would be a long year, but maybe Akila will learn and be saved. I could only pray. I could feel God's presence in here and I smiled. Time to sleep.

Time to remember my covenant with God.

Akila's POV

I woke up in a very purple room. I jumped up in shock. How did I get here? I rubbed my eyes and an aching headache pierced my neck and began to travel upwards. I groaned. Just great, nice way to start off a beautiful yet confusing day.

The purple door cracked open revealing a smiling Maggie. Her tiny 5'3 height ran over to me, brown eyes sparkling with pure joy. “You're up!” She screeched happily. I smiled and nodded, but still scratched my head in confusion, she seemed to get it. She took visible deep breaths and walked towards me slowly.

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