Chapter 12: Maggie and Me - Part 1

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A/N: So this is another chapter guys! And for my followers, I'd like to say that To Be a Christian and The Bad Boy and The Saint should be uploaded later this week!

Thank you all for the support! I have nearly 1.5K reads and although to some that isn't much, I'm grateful for it so... this is my thank you to you! You're all so wonderful to me, I feel like tearing up xD

I believe God has blessed me with all of you so I'm just gonna write this while crying tears of joy! Haha, enjoy guys.

Chapter 12: Accusations

Akila's POV

I got home late. It was nearly eleven o'clock and all the stores in the main part of town had been locked by this point. Yet that wasn't what was on my mind. It was him. His name was Calden apparently. I liked the ring of it. There was something dangerous about him. Something that attracted me. Was that bad?

My gut was telling me stay away, but like the instincts of a deer, I was drawn closer to him. He knew how to make me laugh and smile. He helped me forget Gabe for a bit. After seeing him my mode went down and Calden noticed but I shrugged him off and continued walking with him and his friends, Garet and Shaun.

I sat down on my bed. I felt out of breath for some reason. Glancing around my room, I noticed everything in order except for one thing. My Bible was missing.

"Hm... that's weird," I murmured. I got up slowly. I noticed it was slightly darker than usual. The atmosphere grew colder and I could feel the goosebumps rising on my arms. Shivering, I walked towards the door. I didn't feel so good about being in here by myself. The hallway was empty and the house was silent. I bet they were all asleep. I slowly crept into Maggie's room.

She sat there with her hair up in a messy bun and the freckles all over her face. She was reading a thick leather book and I recognized it immediately. It was her Bible. I hissed quietly at her and she looked up at me and then smiled.

"Hey." She sat up straight causing a few loose strands of her hair to fall into her face. She swiped them away and then patted teh bed. I smiled back at her and walked over. Her room was really spacious, like mine. She grinned as I sat down.

"What bring you here newcomer?" She teased playfully.

"I'm bored." I lied. That was definitely not it. I think she could, but all she did was purse her lips and nod. I sighed in relief and glanced down at what she was reading.

"Soooo," I began. "What'cha reading?" I bit my lip and skimmed my eyes over the page.

"Oh, just re-reading Matthew."

"Re-reading? Why?"

"Why not," she said with a shrug.

"What's the point?"

"It's fun," she giggled. "I like reading the stories and remembering all the good Jesus did then and even does now."

"Oh..." I trailed off.

"Yeah," She chuckled. She watched my for a bit. Her eyes were burning through me. "You don't seem to comfortable on the subject."


"Jesus." She said simply, with no shame.

I shrugged and rubbed my arms. Pieces of my messy bun were falling out on the both of them making a wild design. "It's not that. I just don't know much about Him."

"Well you could learn, I mean I could teach you if you want." She said hesitantly. I've never seen Maggie hesitate.

"Well my life has always lacked in good things and since I've come here, I've begun to find some so, I'll take you up on that offer." I said cheerfully.

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