Chapter 9: Watchers

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A/N: Don't get too excited guys, this is the deleted chapter Watchers, previously known as chapter 8, now it is chapter 9. The order, luckily has not effected the story at all, so if you have not read this chapter than you can read it now. It is Mystery POV, and it actually still fits perfectly in this spot. I hope you all enjoy. Vote and comment! Fan and share ;)

Mystery POV

I watched her sit in the comfort of her male friend. Her legs were barely visible under her covers. The rain pelted the window and from where I stood, although blurry, I could see confusion play clearly across her face. Her nimble fingers, that were plastered with old and spotted green nail polish, untangled her long hair. I could imagine the smell of vanilla and coconut come towards me. Just like her mother, I thought.

I turned my attention to one of the many who intervened for her prtection. If only she knew how many people actually cared for her, it would shock her into oblivion, it was my job to make sure she did notever find out. Something in his eyes told me he knew more than he should, more than he was telling her. I felt a smile flash across my lips; this would be interesting.

Nights flew by way too quickly. I had no time to put my plan into motion. There was too much surrounding her. Everything I sent came back to me, tattered! She was under protection, more than her independent mother. I could sense her curiosity mixed with the obvious fear. She'd be foolish not to be afraid. Everything that is important to her can easily be snatched away from her in an instant.

"Brutus!" The sound of crimpling leaves captured my attention but I did not turn my gaze to those buffoons. How can they be so obvious without fear! If he knew how careless they were, we would all be banished for eternity into that horror-full pit.

"Shut your mouth!" I whispered yelled to Maxwell.  He scowled at my harsh tone and met my judging gaze with a glare. I felt my black eyes burn with fire and he saw it too. I may not be in authority here but I had more authority than he did and then he ever would.

He scowled and nodded.

"Watch your step! We do not attention." My canine teeth elongated. "Do not make them see you, only her. Make her crazy! Make her mad with insanity!"

"We have tried! Can you not see this? She has too many who pray, who seek ... Him." Martin, Maxwell's apprentice said with disgust in his tone. Martin was one of the wise and outspoken out of a few, yet that wasn't cared for in our world. If someone outspoke to the wrong person, they'd be sent back to their section in the pit.

"Well destroy them!" I yelled angrily, no longer caring if someone heard us. Who would care? One more soul for the master.

"How can we do this!?" Maxwell butted in.

"Do you truly want the answer to that question?" I asked through gritted teeth. Maxwell's eyes left mine and slowly, but hesitantly, he nodded his head.

"Earn her trust," I said, a plan forming in my head. I began to pace around the small space near her home. It was pretty safe, hidden form the average eyes by trees lined up again and again. "If we can get her to distrust them, we can get her! That is the goal? Is it not?"

"But Bru-"

"Don't but the only plan we've got! You have failed us completely!" I yelled angrily, stabbing his chest with my finger. He winced at the immense pressure.

"Now transform, we don't have time for this." He nodded. Before my eyes, lanky Maxwell, who was tall and bald with a bluish tint to his skin and too many scales to count, became a teenage boy. His pitch black eyes became like the average humans and his head filled with hair. He was definitely shorter when it came to height by many feet.

I glanced down at him, a sickening grin on my face that made him cringe slightly. "Good. Now ladies and gentlemen," I began while turning my gaze back to her window, catching her in a loving embrace with the male. "Let the games begin and the heart be tormented."

His laugh filled the air and a chilling shiver went down her spine. She could tell and so could Gabe, something was coming and it was coming soon.

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