Chapter 11: Lossie

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A/N: Time to meet someone new guys! How'd it all start? Let's find out. Oh and be sure to share this story with your friends!

Word(s) you may not know. Courting-dating. It'll be used like once, but to be sure there is no one who is confused.

I finally have an editor that will be willing to edit this story for me and they'll be starting soon, not yet, but soon! Probably by the next upload, so better spelling and grammer is on it's way guys!

Chapter 11: Lossie

October 9, 1902

Her skirt blew as she laughed. Everyone knew her. 5'6, long hair the shade of night, green eyes and that pretty smile. All the guys loved her, all the girls envied her just as equally as they wanted to be her friend. Her skirt that reached just by her ankles, nearly tripped her as she ran through the field of tall grass. They gave a view of her cotton white socks with it's little laced frills at the top.

Sunlight rained down on all the kids who were playing out there that day. No one sensed the change in atmosphere. No one could predict the future.

"Lossie!" She giggled once she heard her name being called. Tag was the best game for any child. But some may say she's too old at the age of sixteen. By now courting and marriage should take place.

"You'll never catch me copper!" She exclaimed, running straight out of the field and into a fresh clearing. Her laughter soon died down as soon as she entered it. It was beautiful, captivating her in ways that she couldn't comprehend. Walking through the short grass across to a river. It seemed deeped and it's current went by fast. She sat by its edge, merely peering into it.

Once her gaze was fixed her reflection, she couldn't help but sigh. She was absolutely gorgeous. Her lips were a vibrant pink and quite plump and her eyes nearly glowed. Her long hair fell over her shoulders, shaping her soft face and high cheek bones. Completely transfixed by her very own gawking, she didn't hear the sound of heavy footsteps coming from behind her.

"Beautiful isn't it?" An extremely deep voice startled her. Almost causing her to fall in the river all together. Quickly gathering her senses, she came to a stand and turned to the man that interrupted her moment.

"And you are?" Her voice wasn't as soft and sweet as her features. This girl has done things that would put her entire family to shame. She was confident in everything and devious as well.

The man chuckled and look up from his shoes. She gasped as their gazes met. His eyes were a bright purple. She stumbled away from him. Her heel tipping into the river, but luckily she caught herself.

"What do you want?" She asked breathlessly.

His loud laughter bellowed throughout the empty clearing. "Would you like a list?" There was a dangerous glint in his eyes. She was attracted.

"Answer me!" She yelled strongly hoping to get a stirring out of him but with no luck. He stood his ground and stared at her amused as if she compared to a lost puppy in his eyes. A pout came to her lips and she whimpered quietly as thoughts came to her head. Her grandfather had warned her about men like him. They were everywhere, lurking in the shadows, only to come out when they were ready to take out their prey once and for all. Gulping, she lifted her head high.


"Well I find this moment cute." He said honestly. His gaze swept her body and then he smiled wickedly.

"Humph!" I grumbled quietly.

"I'm here to offer you something. Something that you've wanted more than anything in your life."

"Ha! And what's that? A golden carriage? Or a diamond ring the size of Kentucky?" The sarcasm rolled off of her tongue too easily for his liking but all that told him is that she was the one. The one he could easily trick and wrap around his finger.

"Youth. Continous beauty, none of which your lacking, but will it be there forever? Do you think it will be? Soft skin," he said huskily as his hand swiped her cheek. She gasped and attempted to step back but the river was there, her foot slid in ungracefully and her entire body nearly plunged in until he grabbed her arm with a chuckle.

She scowled at his humor. It always seem to be at her disadvantage.

"What are you some kind of wizard?" She hissed. She ripped her arm from his grip, but the fabric she wore felt as if it were on fire from his mere touch. Not a good fire. She loved that but she always hated it. What was this, she thought.

Shaking her head she glanced up at him, slightly squinting against the bright sunlight that wove it's light around his body. "What makes you so powerful that you can supposedly do this for me?" A smirk made it's way to her face.

"Do you not trust me?"

"I do not know you. But I've got to admit, your offer is enticing." She walked around him while carressing her chin in a faux thinking matter. Maybe I could play with this for a bit, she thought.

"Okay deal." She said.

"Deal? So quickly? Don't you want to know the price?" Although he knew she'd be easy, he didn't expect her to be this easy. His purple eyes were wide in shock.


"Okay," he said carefully. "We can't do this here. There's something that must take place first."

"Okay, meet me here tomorrow at seven." A devilish smirk that reminded her of the devil himself, formed on his lips.

In her heart she knew that that smile had more meaning. She possibly just made a deal with the devil, but at her age, with her lack of common knowledge she shrugged and walked out of the clearing as soon as he disappeared through the thick forest brushes. His thoughts were quite the opposite though. He knew what she had done, and he knew how it easy it truly was. Time to deliver good news to the master, he thought.

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