Chapter 16: Warmth

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A/N: New uploading schedule will be every Friday and Tuesday. Enjoy!

We got in the house and boy was it cold. I shivered violently, but trued my best to shrug it off. Walking over to the heater, I turned it up, a bit or at least I tried.

"Damn it!"

"Language." Gabe scolded from across the room and I glared at him. "What's wrong?"

"Well other than the fact that it's ice cold in this house, the heater's jammed." I said with clear exasperation in my voice.

"Huh..." His eyebrows knit together in obvious confusion. He walked up to me, almost elegantly, with his back straight and feet gliding quietly against the ground. I never really noticed that before.

"Let me take a look at it."

"Suit yourself." I said nonchalantly, but I watched him as he turned the knob back forth. He backed up and just stared at first second and then his eyes lit up like a puppy.


"Nothing, I just think I may know how to fix it." He said with a cheeky grin.

I couldn't help but smile at his cuteness. I left him there fixing the stupid thing and skipped to the kitchen to make us each a cup of Earl Gray tea.

I heard a few annoyed grunts from than, but only a few seconds later, I heard him yell, "Voila!" quite excited if I do say so myself.

I couldn't help but giggle and to continue making the tea. After getting out two croissants and finishing the tea, I called him in.

"For me?" I nodded. "Why thank you." He said with a sly wink. His deep voice was soothing to say the least. I flushed nervously and excused myself to change. Although I could feel the house heating up, didn't change the fact that I was still freezing.

I pulled on my green and pink plaid pajamas and looked at myself in the mirror. I've never felt insecure, well not in this amount. I've always had that feeling not being fully sure of myself but I was never into impressing others then. Now, with Gabe, Ruth, and Maggie, I feel as though I have to worry so much more. I slid the loose strands of hair from my face and lifted my shoulders. I needed to convince them that I could do this, even if I didn't believe that.

After long, unnecessary minutes of me scrutinizing every small detail on my body, I built up the courage to go back downstairs to Gabe. I didn't walk down with much haste, but I couldn't help the thudding of my heart. If only I knew why it was thudding.

I glanced at the table and at him. He had crumbs at the corner of his mouth and he was looking everywhere but me. I glanced down to where I put our tea and croissants and noticed my tea was there as was his, but both of our croissants were missing.

"Did you eat my croissant!?"

"I don't chew and tell," he huffed while glancing down at his nails with a posh attitude.

I wasn't mad, but I wasn't gonna let him get away with it.

"Get over here!" I yelled. His eyes grew big as I charged after him, but I didn't miss the sly smirk on his face as he leapt out of his seat and ran.

"You little croissant stealing termite!" I screeched. He ran around the couch three times with me chasing him. His deep laughter filled the room and a small smile flitted to my lips.

"Stop running from me!"

"Stop chasing me!"

"I will never stop chasing after you!"

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