Chapter 12-No ones Pov

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[I found a bunch of pic stuff by LoverGirl2900 check out more on her book called Demigods]

Thalia gave a low growl resembling so much like a wolf that everyone back away a few steps. She reached for her boots and removed 2 hunting knives from each, putting them on a position ready to throw in her hands. Her eyes had such rage in them that everyone started shivering like they had hypothermia. "You die now you stupid mortals!" she yelled. And on that happy note she attacked "Gingersassin" as Percy so elegantly put it, while Percy just stood there awkward staring at the miniature battle not knowing what to do until Hawkeye tries to shoot him.

     Percy, of course, catches it with a small smile on his face. "Thank the gods! This was starting to get awkward," and with that he flicks the arrow back effectively hitting Hawkeye right in the arm. Putting on a thinking face, Percy strokes an invisible beard while inspecting Hawkeye's unconscious body. "Hmm," he mutters thoughtfully, "maybe next time I try archery I should just use the arrows like spears and put them in a choke hole with the string. Chiron would be so proud I could finally 'use' a bow." His eyes light up as he caps riptide and puts it back into his pocket.

     Percy spares a quick glance at Thalia as he ducks and dodges "Spangles" who tried to attack him, eyes filled with amusement, then asked,"Hey Thalia can I use your bow?" He waits for her reaction and sure enough he gets what he was waiting for.

     Her eyes grew so wide you would think her eyes would fall out of her socket. She went pale and stared at Percy like he just said "Can you hand me a big huge book that I could read?" Thalia's hunting knife fell out of her as she still stood there in shock. Luckily though, Gingersassin took her shock as an advantage tripped Thalia foot. Thalia soon got out of her shock and went back to her previous position; with a dagger at Gingersassin's throat. She stared at Peecy once again and said: "Are you trying to kill us all Kelp Head or are you just more stupider than usual?"

Percy laughed which was a pretty amazing feat for someone constantly dodging blows from a metal frisbee. "Nah I just got an extremely stupid plan."

[sorry for interrupting but this reminded me of a pic that's totally true:

[sorry for interrupting but this reminded me of a pic that's totally true:

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     "Fine" she grumbled and through her bow at him. He grabbed it and used the bows silver metal-like part as an axe. Swinging at everyone's head, he looked like a demon.

(Insert sponge bob voice) two minutes later...

    "You still owe me that cheeseburger," Thalia reminded Percy. The both of them started stepping over the limp, unconscious heap of bodies that belonged to the "world's most mightiest heroes".

     Percy sighed while handing her back her bow. "Fine, but I don't have money," he pointed out. Thalia rolled her eyes and slapped the back of his head. "What do you thinks the Mist's for Kelp Head?" With that she made 20 bucks spear in her hand. "Come one lets go find Death Breath," she said while grabbing his hand and dragging him to the nearest McDonalds.

[sorry it sucks, my main focus was on my hp/PJO book. I'll try my best to make it up though]

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