Scariest experiance ever. Why not updated tonight

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Ok. So you know when you see a nice new music album and some cool movies you feel like saving for?
I felt like that.
I wanted to get some more skrillex albums since I've listened to all mine over 100 times.

This family who moved in about 3 months ago said they would trust me to look after their kids while they were at this little get together about 30mins away.
I obviously agreed because I was looking after them for 3 hours and getting £25 pounds for it.

I got there. The house was like about 25 minutes from my village. I had to walk through the woods and up this drive.
The girls wanted to eat pizza and so I made them a cheese pizza and I had some salad since I'm trying to loose some weight.
They wanted to watch Matilda which I agreed to and play with their monster high dolls.

At around 9:45 there was a knock at the door.
Both girls who are age 12 looked up at me. I told them to stay quiet.
This time the person hammered on the door.
I was really scared. Who comes to your door at almost 10 at night?
I rang the girls mum and asked if anyone was meant to be coming over. Just in case she forgot to tell me.
She said no one should be there and they would head back straight away.

This sounds so stupid and cleshie but I took the girls up to the bathroom and they both wanted their teddy Bears which I got along with a blanket and a bottle of water. I had no idea how long we would be in there.
I also grabbed this steak knife. It wasn't sharp enough to really damage someone with but it was enough to damage them so we could get out.
I licked is in the bathroom and told the girls to sit in the bath.
I could go back home to get anyone. What if he followed me
There was another knock. This time it was from the front door.
I knew I had to go and see what it was.
I told the girls to stay in the bathroom
I had my knife and lucky I was in black.
All the lights were off and I was crawling on the floor. I managed to go to the door and look out the peep hole.
This was the part that scared me.
Like I'm not joking. Nobody was there. I went back into the living room and this is the part that I'll be haunted with.
I looked through the gap in the curtains covering the French doors and saw this figure walk past the trampoline and back round to the back of the house.
I went back into the kitchen and looked through the peep hole.

Next I litters peed myself.
There looking through the peep hole
Was someone with a fucking scream mask on.
I didn't care how much noise I made. I ran back into the bathroom and locked the door.
I told the girls to be quiet and rang their mum asking how far they were. Turns out they were coming through the woods and up the drive.
I was relived.
This was so scary. Both girls were in tears hiding under the blanket.
I didn't ring the cops because
1. I've been to the police station a lot recently
2 I didn't wanna get in trouble.

The next thing to happen. I have never been so relived.
Headlights were coming up the drive and I opened the bathroom window slightly to see who it was.
Thank god it was the parents.

The mum shouted for me to come downstairs. I did. It turned out it was the neighbors.
They had been having a few friends over and were playing truth or dare and one was dared to wear the mask and try to scare us. He apologised several times but in still creeped out.
Who does that.
I've never been so scared. Not only was I scared for my safety. 2 12 year olds were with me. What about their safety.

Just thought I'd share this. I feel better talking about it than keeping it to myself.

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