When you ask her out

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You had been visiting for a while now. but today you ha to tell her. you couldn't look at her without your heart racing away.

"Hey (y/n) I got some lemonade and cookies" you sat next to her and said "Jill just please go out with me". She nodded yes and dove into your arms


You and Jane were talking about your past. she was telling you about when Jeff went insane. She then said"he ruined my life, I look like this now it's horrible" she sighed and you finally plucked up the courage to say

"Jane I think your very pretty and I want you to go out with me"

You waited for rejection but she screamed YES right through you house and the neighbours came to see if everything was ok

Drowned hannah

She would visit you every night. tonight you didn't get into your pjs. instead you put on a decent hoodie and your good jeans. now you just had to wait. about ten minutes later you hear the song of unhealing. now your heart was really pumping as soon as she came in she said "wow going somewhere"

"No I actually wanted to ask you... "


"I wanted to ask you out"

"YES YES" she screamed


Your parents were out again so clockwork decided to stay the night with you. after playing COD and GTA

You decided to tell her.

"So um Natalie I really like you, go out with me" it was scientists for about 5seconds.

"That's ok I just thought I would te- "

"Yes I'd lie to"

You hugged her and watched the woman in black

Teenage sally

She came over most of the time to see you and now you just had to tell her.

She sat down next to you and looked out the window. "um sally willyougooutwuthme?" You asked

"Yes yes YES" she said. you guys spent the night watching romantic movies


She had been at your house and as you guys were walking jeff walked up to her

"Hey bitch. How's your day been. oh wait it would be the same as mine as you basically are me but a girl" he hit her and ran away laughing.

You picked her up and said. "Nina before that dick interrupted I wanted to ask you out"


"Yeah. Will you"


kate the chaser

kate had now captured your heart. she was coming over to watch movies with you and you were going to ask her out

as soon as she walked through the door you said it

"kate be my girlfriend"

you waited for rejection but instead you heard a scream saying yes and you were embraced in  a huge hug

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