4. Fascination

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I ain't gonna take no shit from no one,

I ain't gonna take no lip from no one,

You ain't gonna try to get me to hold on,

It's golden now,

Why would I slow down?

- 3OH!3


"We've already gotten our first assignment," Bohnes complained as he leaned over and tied his boots, tucking the laces down inside. "I just don't understand why we still have to participate in these stupid games."

Shawn hooked the blousing strap around his lower calf and shoved the bottom of his black fatigues up underneath, pulling them down so they sat right at the top of his boot. "What are you complaining about? Shooting stuff is fun." He stood and thrust his arms through the sleeves of his shirt, buttoning it quickly and pushing his cap onto his head. "Plus, we've got this in the bag anyway."

"You mean you've got it in the bag." Bohnes stood next to Shawn and finished putting on his uniform. "Unless this means you're going to actually let me shoot something for once."

Shawn snorted. "Yeah. Right. I'm not about to risk our place as top shooters just so you can fire off a few."

"You know, you're only screwing yourself. It'll be entirely your fault if we ever get into a situation where I need to cover you and you get shot because you'd never let me practice during live fire exercises."

"That's just ridiculous, Bohnes." Shawn moved toward the door, his starched pants making a scratching sound as he walked. "Why would I ever screw myself when I have so many partners willing to do it for me?"

"Yes, that would be the part of that whole exchange you picked up on."

"Well, it was the only interesting thing you said." Shawn pushed open the doors leading to the weapon containment area. He stepped up to the desk, Bohnes right behind him, and slid his I.D. over the scanner.

Another door off to his left whooshed open revealing a small cylindrical chamber. Shawn moved inside and the doors closed. He spread his arms and a circular beam of light trailed from the top of his head to the souls of his feet, searching his body for weapons he shouldn't have in the arena. Once the machine did its thing, the doors opened once more, only this time he exited into a large room with various guns hanging from the walls. He picked one and slung the strap over his shoulder just as Bohnes entered the room.

Shawn slouched against the wall as he waited for Bohnes to pick his weapon. He gave Bohnes a lot of flack, but in all honesty, he was one of the best agents in the class. Bohnes needed a certain amount of feather ruffling to reach his peak. Shawn had learned that in their first week together. If Shawn teased and pushed, Bohnes pushed back and performed a hundred times better. Sure, being an asshole came to him honestly, but at least with Bohnes it served a purpose greater than just making Shawn feel superior. It was a win-win.

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