Chapter 5

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  For the rest of the night, we ate snacks, watched movies and cuddled. "Time for bed little ones" Annabelle gave me the scariest smirk I think I'll ever see in my life time. I have never been this afraid before.  

Athena's Pov

Daddy tucked my into my big girls bed after he cleaned me up and changed me. "I'm just one shout away okay baby?" I nodded as I tucked my favourite unicorn stuffie under my arm. "Goodnight baby girl" I closed my eyes and let out a happy sigh as daddy kissed my forehead then my lips. "Goodnight daddy" I yawned and turned on my side. "Don't forget to call me if you need me, sweet dreams angel." and with that, daddy walked out, not before blowing me a kiss though. Ryan said his goodnights to Anabelle but I think she was already sleeping. Which by the way, I'm thrilled about. I rubbed my eyes and yawned again, trying to stay up just a little bit longer to make sure satan child is definitely asleep. I snuggled into my stuffie after at least 5 minutes of pure blissful silence, she has to be asleep. I felt my eyes get droopy, feeling myself falling to sleep. 

I was woken up by mumbling and screeching noises. I groaned and sat up, covering my ears. "d-daddy?" I sat up on my knees and peered through the bed bars (you know, the bar things you have at the sides of the bed so you don't fall out.) I gasped when I saw Anabelle pulling the heads of my dolls. "h-hey, stop that!" I tried to sound angry, but I failed miserably. I managed to climb over the bars, walking over to Ana, holding my stuffie close to me. "Anabelle s-stop it right n-now, or else!" She turned to me, both hands on her hips and a smirk plastered on her satan face. "Or what? you'll go cry and run to your daddy? boo fucking who" She grabbed my unicorn stuffie. "No p-please not t-that" And once again my eyes started brimming up with tears. "Oh no, is little Athena going to cry?" She mocked my facial expression. I bit down on my lower lip, trying to hold myself together. "He's supposed to be mine, you know" She started pulling at my stuffies head, trying to pull it off, and she succeeded at that. The fluffy white cotton flew out the head and body as she pulled and tore at it. I ran to the door, only to be shoved down. 

"Where do you think you're going?" I stayed quiet. What am I supposed to do? What did I even do to deserve this? I wiped my tears away and rubbed my aching knee and elbow. "P-please stop t-this, I don't k-know what I have e-ever done to you, b-but I'm really s-sorry" I sobbed out, stuttering here and there. She rolled her eyes, grabbing my wrists and pulled me up. "Jason is what you did, he's supposed to be mine, and your fat whore ass took him from me!" She was getting angrier by the minute, throwing her arms everywhere as she spoke. "And you're going to pay for this, I'll make him get angry at you, I'll make him hate you, you're not welcome here." What? I don't understand known of this, none of this is making sense. She pulled me by my wrists again, clearly leaving visible marks, pulling me back to my bed. "If you even dare tell any of them what I did, I'll hurt him" leaving me on the bed as she went back to hers, that MY daddy kindly made for her. 

I felt myself being pulled up "Athena what have you done?!" I heard my daddy. I opened my eyes and yawned "Daddy hi I mis-". Before I could even say a word I felt a little tingly pain on my bottom. Daddy just spanked me... He lifted me up from the bed and placed me down. I have no idea whats even happening right now. "Why?!" He voice got louder. His hands rolled up in a fist motion, He eyes no longer his creamy caramel brown. "D-daddy I d-don't k-". "Don't you dare lie to me little one!" He pushed me forward a little, not hurting me, but for me to see what "I" have done. My whole room was a bomb shell. My walls were covered in paint and crayon, my toys that daddy bought me were all broken and scattered across the room, my plush creamy carpet had marks all over it, My clothes were all over, marked and teared up. My pictures on my wall were not longer there, all my stuffies were torn apart, my coloring books were ripped, my pencils broken. I gasps, covering my mouth. "Why Athena?" My daddy asked, not facial expression whatsoever. "D-daddy I didn-". "Do not lie to me, I hate lying little girls." He sounded so angry and disappointed... I looked around the room, stopping at a figure that sat on one of my chairs, Anabelle. I don't know what it was, but anger, hatred rose up.

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