Chapter 21

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Loki had cleaned up and we were walking towards the Dark Elves aircraft. Our hands interlocked as Thor was slightly ahead.

"This is so unlike you brother, so clandestine, are you sure you wouldn't rather just punch your way out?" Loki teased.
"If you keep speaking, I just might" Thor growled.
I snorted and Loki lightly punched my arm with that mischievous glint in his eye. He released my hand.
"Fine, as you wish, I'm not even here" he said as he transformed into a guard. "Is this better?"
"It's better company at least" Thor remarked.
"Yeah but I'm the best company" I chuckled.

That you are

"Still we could be less conspicuous" Loki stated as he turned Thor into my mother. "Mmm, brother you look ravishing"
I slapped Lokis arm as Thor looked down confused.
"It will hurt no less when I kill you in this form" Thor said.
He still had his voice this is so weird.
"Very well. Perhaps you prefer one of your new companions given that you seem to like them so much" he said as he returned Thor to his normal form and turned himself into Cap. "Oh this is much better! The costumes a bit much, so tight, but the confidence, I can feel the riteousness surging. Hey do you wanna have a rousing discussion about truth? Honour? Patriotism? God bless Amer-" He was silenced with Thors hand.
"What?" Loki asked.
We all looked over to two guards walking past.
"You could at least furnish me with a weapon, my dagger, something" Loki pleaded. "At last a little common sense"
But as he looked down he realised Thor had put cuffs on him. He looked at me accusingly and I held my hands up in surrender. "Hey, I said only if you annoy him, I'm surprised you made it this far" I told him.
"I thought you liked tricks" Thor laughed.

We made it to Jane and mother.
"You're" Jane said as she pointed at Loki.
"I'm Loki. You may have heard of me" He said smugly.
Then she slapped him.
"That was for New York" she growled.
Anger boiled within me, how dare she touch him, if she wasn't with Thor she'd be dead right now.
"I like her"Loki smiled. He noticed me glaring daggers at Jane and held my hand for comfort.
She noticed our entwined hands and said "I still don't get it, you're a hero, of all people why him?"
"You don't choose who you fall for" I replied.
"But you choose who you stay with" she countered.
"I love him" I confessed.
"He'll only hurt you" she said.
"I won't" Loki muttered.
"He wouldn't dare" Mother glared.

Our conversation was cut short with guards approaching.
"Il hold them off. Take her" Mother commanded.
"Thank you" said Thor.
We began to walk away but I heard a sword and noticed Loki wasn't with me.

"Betray them and I'll kill you. Especially if you hurt Alice" I heard mother say.
"It's good to see you too. Sif" Loki smiled.

We arrived at the ship and Thor greeted Volstagg.
"I will give you as much time as I can" Volstagg said.
"Thank you my friend" Thor said as they shook hands.
"Good Luck Alice" Volstagg nodded to me.

Once again Loki was stopped.
"If you even think about betraying him" Volstagg threatened.
"You'll kill me?" Loki guessed. "Evidently there will be a line"
We walked inside the ship and Thor began pressing buttons.
"I thought you said you knew how to fly this thing?" I asked.
"I said 'how hard could it be?'" Thor replied in annoyance.
"Well, whatever you're doing, brother, I suggest you do it faster" Loki commented.
"Shut up, Loki" Thor demanded.
"You must of missed something" Loki and I said in sync.
"Jinx!" I laughed. He looked confused.
"No, I didn't. I'm pressing every button on this thing" Thor groaned.
"No, don't hit it. Just press it gently" Loki scolded.
"I am pressing it gently, it's not working!" Thor shouted.
At that moment the ship came to life holograms surrounded us although I had no idea what they meant.
Loki held onto me so I wouldn't fall when the ship began to move,I smiled in thanks.
"I think you missed a column" he taunted to Thor.
"Shut up!" Thor shouted.
We broke out of the palace and began flying around Asgard.
"Look why don't you let me take over? I'm clearly the better pilot" Loki suggested.
"Please let him take over I'm gonna be sick" I begged.
"You fly" Loki commented.
"I fly properly, not like this" I replied.
"Is that right? Well out of the two of us, which one can actually fly?" Thor replied to Lokis suggestion.
"I can make him fly smartass" I added.
Suddenly Jane fainted "Oh dear is she dead?" Loki asked obviously amused.
I brought my elbow back and hit his chest, he only laughed in return. As he was holding my hips to steady me, my back was pressed against him and I felt the vibrations of his laughter, it was euphoric.

"Now they're following us" Loki commented. "Now they're firing at us"
"Yes, thank you for the commentary Loki, it's not at all distracting!" Thor grumbled.
Thor then sliced the head off of a statue.
"Well done. You just dicapitated your grandfather" Loki said.
Oh now we're in trouble, Odins gonna kill us.
"You know this is wonderful, this is a tremendous idea, let's steal the biggest, most obvious ship in the universe, and escape in that flying around the city, smashing into everything in sight so everyone can see us. It's brilliant Thor! It's truly brilliant!" Loki yelled.
As he finished his rant Thor pushed him out of the opened door, however he was holding onto me so I went with him, and he was screaming down my ear. Just for the fun of it I let us fall for a short time and then put a field around us, simply because Lokis petrified squeals were hilarious. We landed on the flying boat that Fandral was currently... Sailing? Piloting?
Thor followed soon after with Jane in his arms.
Fandral and Thor were laughing at what I had done.
"You lied to me, I'm impressed" Loki said.
"I'm glad you're pleased, now do as you promised, take us to your secret pathway" Thor told him.
Loki smiled and grabbed hold of the steering stick.
"Did you have to push me out with him?" I questioned Thor.
"Sorry" Thor laughed.

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