Thunderbirds 3

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when i awake the next day i felt Scott arms securely around me i was snuggled into him like always the best way to wake up was in his arms.

"morning" i looked up at him and smiled before i leaned in and wee kissed, i giggle and swing my leg over so i sat on top we broke away and i gave a happy sigh.

"I'm spending time with Allie today" i told him

"how come you get to call him Allie and all i get is a glare?" he pouted and i laughed

"because I'm special" i giggled. At breakfast it was awkward from the night before.

"L-L-Lady Eve" Fermat asked i looked up from my breakfast

"yes Fermat" i took some more of my food

"i have a Q-Q-Q-Q" he stuttered

"Question?" i offered he nodded

"go ahead" i smiled at the young boy

"if in the f-f-f-future have a b-b-b Child will he or sh-sh-she  be a Lord or Lady" me and Scott coughed as we almost choked i covered up my mouth and looked at Scott . i cleared my throat, all the Tracy's looked amused

"well erm yes would take my and Scott's last name. Lord or Lady Creighton Ward Tracy . why do you ask?" he shrugged

"j-j-just wondering" After breakfast i changed into a bikini and threw on a top before i slipped into my sandals before heading out. Alan and i made our way to the beach dumped my towel deciding to take a swim first.

"right I'm going for a swim " i took off my top and sandals and went into the water . Alan was busy throwing rocks when i come out and dry myself off

"so what's been happening on Planet Alan"

"nothing Much" he answered shrugging taking out a cool device and using it to launch a stone.

"got a 1,000 page essay due by my stupid teacher" i pulled on my top

"would you like me to assist you?" i ask again he shrugged. he looked up and i saw Thunderbird 3 launch from the Library. another mission wonder where they're off too i thought

"hey" Tin-Tin came out form the jungle

"Alan, Tin-Tin, Eve thunderbird five has been hit thunderbird five has been hit thunderbird five has been hit" she screamed running towards us. we stopped him

"Fermat calm down now what..." he trailed off as a huge grey sub came out of the water

"run!" we screamed and ran into the jungle. we ran until we came behind some palm leaves we watched as far away figures make their way onto the island i grabbed my necklace instinctively Scott gave me it for my birthday i hoped that he was safe.

"how'd they find the island? was it what i did in Thunderbird 1 did i ruin everything" he was freaking i put my hand on his shoulder stopping him

"no that compound we found could have a transmitting capability"

"we have to do something" me and Tin-Tin said at the same time

"my dad is in the control room" Fermat said

"but how can we get there they have the place surrounded" i wondered

"the vents" Alan breathed and tapped us to move

"lets go we need to get a message to my dad 

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