Thunderbirds 13

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it was a couple of days till the wedding. Scott and I were busy sorting out our parties mine being Tin-Tin and Penny his being his brothers. Penny was staying for the week and i was on my way to get her, wedding preparations were underway already. i finally reached Penny's room and knocked on the door.

"come in" i entered and she was sat getting ready for the day. she smiled as she looked at me through the mirror.

"Hello Eve I'm almost ready." she informed me

"Hello Penny is okay take your time" i replied waiting for her to finish she brush her hair one final time before standing up and telling me she was ready i lead her out and down a couple of Halls before going into what it was for now the wedding room. it was set out with mirrors changing room podium vanity everything a girls needs for her big day.

Tin-Tin was already waiting she greeted us upon entering.

"good morning Lady Penelope, Eve"

"Hello Tin-Tin" we replied and i began to talk

"okay i had to dress made to fit the wedding Penny you'll have your classic pink where as Tin-Tin shall wear blue." i went bringing the dresses out.

"there not long just because i don't want anything happening like tripping up also i think you'll look rather pretty in them also intend of heals I've opted for wedges both white. the wedding is quite simple so should everything else no fuss." i brought out the wedges then unzipped the cover for both of them.

"they are  very beautiful" Penny complemented i smiled and handed them there dresses.

"its pretty Eve thank you"

"think nothing of it I'm not one of those brides that dresses others ugly to make herself more beautiful." no Tin Tin can i see yours first it was a late order and i want to see if they got it right." she nodded and went to get changed while Penny and i sat down.

"are you nervous yet." she asked me

"a little bit but I'm excited more i can't wait. i wish our parent weren't so against the idea. they must see i love Scott with all my heart and all they care about is whether he has a title or not." i answered.

"well your marring him not our parents besides they were never around enough to call them that. beside you have me and i think you have chosen very well" she too my hand that was when Tin-Tin came out grinning.

"i take it you like the dress" she twirls around

"yes i do" i pointed to the podium and she went and stood as i looked at the dress

"perfect your hair will be down that way when Alan see you he won't know what hit him" i giggled as she turned around shocked them blushed.

"okay you can change back then it's your turn" i aimed at Penny. After Tin-Tin was back in her day to day clothes Penny went and changed she came out in the same deign but a pink version . he hair was going to be long as well it was a simple job so after we all went to lounge by the pool.

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