Thunderbirds 15

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"Gabby, Lucy please be care full" i shouted as the twins ran through the corridors they were 4 and 2 Lucille Rosaline Creighton-Ward Tracy born 10 months after the wedding a honey moon then two year later Gabrielle Alicia  Creighton-Ward Tracy  i was now on my third and fourth yes i was having twin Scott was adamant that they would be boys after having two girls who he adored he wanted sons to help carry on international rescue. who knows why when the girls could do it and he has the other brothers.

 when i asked he said he one wanted a piece of the action and two just a boy in general. i waddled into the dining area just as the girls shouted.

"Daddy!" they jumped on him. Scott and my brother in laws had just come of another mission recently set up by the hood lord know why he can't just die already. i know i sound harsh but he's putting my family at risk.

"hello beautiful" he kissed them both on the cheek lifting them up and coming over to me.

"hey gorgeous" he gently kissed me on the lips as the girls giggled.

"get a room guys" Gordon teased

"we did and look where it got us" i replied sitting next to him pointing to my stomach and the girls. after we were married Jeff gave us a private beach house for the honey moon and then our own wing for our family.

"Uncle Vi, Uncle Gorwan" my daughters chirped they loved all their uncles but had their favourites Lucy loved Virgil because she was fascinated with painting and medical stuff she recently started to say i want to be like Uncle Virgil. a doctor. then Gabby adored Gordon who roped her into pranks and helping with them. the others were at first disgruntled that they weren't their favourite uncle but i assured them that as long as i popped another they would have their chance.

while my daughters began to get caught up in their favourite uncles John, Alan and Jeff arrived Onaha said the dinner was ready. Scott went to get mine while Virgil and Gordon offered to get the girls. i nodded in thanks. i rubbed my tummy in pain and winced.

"Evie are you okay." Scott asked placing our plates on the table i nodded

"yeah just cramps I've been having them all day" i replied as the pain went away i smiled at him.

"see all better now food" i dug into my steak and chips as he laughed they boys began talking about the highlights of the mission leaving out the bad parts in front of the girls. when i came to the end of the meal i flinched in pain.

"OH GOD" i yelled everyone turned to me as i bent in pain.

"Mommy!" the girls called

"Scott get Evie to the medical bay" Virgil ordered. he had become a doctor with all degrees. Scott lifted me up and took me to the bay on the way there i felt something wet.

"erm Scott, Virgil" they hummed focusing getting me there faster

"my water just broke" i whispered the looked at each other and ran. i was out on the bed as another contraction hit they were close how did i not see it before I've gone through this twice.

"okay erm Eve your fully dilated okay Scott go get warm water and towels. sorry Eve this is all you next contraction push okay" i nodded and pushed

"Scott hurry up" i screamed he ran to my side giving warm water and towels to Virgil and took my hand as it pushed. 1 hour later welcome our third who was a boy then 1 hour after him another boy. i breathed a sigh of relief as i was finished. the others came in later on after i had some rest the girls ran and were helped up by Scott

"is mummy better where did bump go?" Gabby asked staring at my shrunken tummy.

"Gabby remember what mummy and daddy said about having new siblings" Lucy reminded her little sister.

"oh what did we get" she chirped we laughed

"Lucy and Gabby meet your little brothers." i pointed to Scott who now held our two little boys

"wow" the both were in awh

"their tiny when can we play with them" Gabby asked

"you were tiny as well Gabs" Lucy joked

"not for a while sweetie they might be a bit boring at first but in time you can all play together soon" i answered the question.

"what are you going to name them." Jeff asked

"Connor, Daniel" the girls chimed me and Scott laughed at the two.

"looks like it already decided. Connor the eldest twin and Daniel the youngest." we smiled

this was my family

the end

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