Thunderbirds 14

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It was my wedding day and i was really nervous i forgot the whole fact when i woke up with no Scott by my side but them as i woke up more i remembered and a big grin spread across my face i put on my dressing gown and went to the Wedding room where me, Penny and Tin-Tin had our breakfast. Parker was going to bring our food for us seen as i couldn't see Scott till the ceremony. i sat down at the table and was greeted by Penny who looked refreshed i was still waking up.

"good morning sunshine" she smiled

"morning" i replied yawing but covering up my mouth

"late night?" she asked i nodded

"i couldn't get to sleep i was nervous and excited lord knows how i did in the end." Tin-Tin came in looking very happy and we began talking about the day.

"i saw Scott on my way here he looked a nervous wreck Alan and Gordon were teasing him." Penny laughed Parker came in with a trolley which had food and drink i settled for some French toast, bacon egg and fruit salad with orange juice.

Later on  i did the girls hair knowing how i wanted it Tin Tin was long and curly while with a white bow at the back. she went and waited while i did Penny's i added hair extensions making it longer. Tin-Tin did my hair following my instruction and some help from Penny.

after i started make up on Tin Tin again keeping it simple because she like the rest of us had natural beauty i outlined her features and applied lip gloss then did the same with Penny. they went and got into their dresses. i gave Penny earrings and Tin-Tin a butterfly ring and pearly studs. i went to get ready as well in my gown (on the side) it was beautiful just like i designed it.  i was helped into my wedges making sure i didn't fall over or stepped on my dress.

"you ready" Penny asked me i turned round and faced her form the mirror

"absolutely" we exited the wedding room and walked down the halls then out to the maid structure where Jeff was waiting. he smiled at me

"you look beautiful shall we go" he complemented before asking as he held out his arm

"yes we shall" i took his arm as Tin-Tin and Penny went first we made our way to the beech via a path leading like always. the last time i had been here was when the Hood let's say invaded. we stopped as my bridesmaid and maid of honour made their way down the aisle (check external for the link to see what it looked like) one they were at the end everyone stood.

Jeff walked me out so everyone could see me it was very casual no suit and ties not in this heat. i concentrated on Scott who as he turned round and saw me his smile brightened which caused me to grin he was wearing all white with bare feet something that Scott opted for all of them except Jeff. Jeff handed my over to Scott who took my hand.

"you look beautiful" he whispered. i winked at him before it began.

-----skip the ceremony write way to much of them----

"you may now kiss the bride" Scott took my waist and claimed my lips as my husband for the first time. everyone clapped in the back ground and we broke apart.

"i love you Mrs Tracy" i giggled

"i love you more Mr Tracy"

awh sweet yeah anyway the epolioge is next then a bonus chapter written my sissy Stace why you may ask because its dirty and well i can't write dirty read it yes write it now bye yall

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