Thunderbirds 7

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*Scott* (i know shocker)

the signal got cut off from Evie and Alan i sighed and looked away this was hard on all of us we were losing air and fast we were helpless my kid brother was stuck down there and my fiancée looked like she was losing her spark i sigh and sit away from the group when Dad comes over and slaps my back sitting next to me.

"everything is going to be alright son" he told me i nodded and thought about everything i was supposed to be getting married at the end of the week not stuck on Thunderbird five. i was supposed to be waiting for Evie to come back relay some of what her and Alan talked about and how she made him laugh and see the bright side.

"i know Dad it's just right now i would give anything just to be with Evie right now." i told him he nodded in understanding.

"she's a great girl Scott you did well" he smiled

"yeah he finds someone who can actually stand him" John jokes i grin

"hey I'm not that bad to get on with" i protest

"yeah cause when Eve comes away with a disgusted face says it all I've heard what you 'accedently do to grossed her out" Virgil adds we laugh and fall into silence.


"woo someone open a window its getting hot in here" Dad jokes but no one smiles or laughs we've seen up here for hours and nothing from Alan or Evie.

"re entry into earth's atmosphere in 37 minutes"  Virgil informs us

"oxygen will be out in 30 we won't feel a thing." i add

"stop it " Dad orders

"come on dad the situations hopeless" Gordon whines

"no we have people on the ground working for us" he says

"Alan he's just a kid" my brother protests

"he's a Tracy"

"and he has Evie she's been with us long enough to know what to do. we're gonna get through this guys you just have to believe in them." Dad looked at me with pride i knew both Alan and Evie would save us.

i know its short but i wanted to brake form Eve for a chapter 

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