Thunderbirds 10

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okay so i know the next part is supposed to have lady Penelope I'm sorry but it didn't fit in with the story she will be at the bank though i won't write about it

i ran to mine and Scott's room now i know wrong place when we have a job to do but it wouldn't be right if i weren't in uniform. Scott asked Virgil to have a thunderbird uniform made for me in blue  for my birthday to say i was happy was a understatement. not only that but i was give a head set by brains as well i was a thunderbird without officially being one.

After i changed i raced down to thunderbird one where the others were about to get on.

"i forgot Scott gave you one." Alan smiled as we sat down.

"one of the 100s of reasons why i love your brother and more come every day" i replied sitting next to Tin-Tin and securing myself in. they boys talked technical as they did pre diagnostics and ready them self for takeoff.

"don't boys just love their toys" i smiled at Tin-Tin who grinned back she held out her and i took it gently as the pool hatch began to open.

"and off we go" they boys nodded to one another before launched  

"whoa" we chimed now i knew why Scott loved flying her so much we took off and headed for London. we left 10 minutes ago when Brain spoke

"Thunderbird 1 come in"

"Roger brains" Alan spoke

"Thunderbirds 3 is about to initiate separation" he told us

"F.A.B" oh god I'm going all prideful i smiled at the two. i looked at information on T2

"boys Thunderbird 2 is in final approach to London" i informed them.

"i know his weakness Fermat i can stop him if we get there in time" Alan told his friend

"stand by we're going to maximum thrust." the exraboost threw us back in our seats and we halved our time to get to London.


"let her down boys" i said as we came up to jubilee gardens not how i would have like to be back in London they started the landing sequence but there was an error because they weren't landing safely but fast and hard.

"boy you damage her Scott will have your head" i sang not happily they ignored me obviously caught up in landing. we landed with a thud but otherwise good.

"textbook boys" i breathed calming myself down. the three of them released themselves going to thunderbird two. i looked at the screen bringing up information. i then called Penny

"Hello" she answered

"head for the bank of London." i told her

"okay" we hung up, i left T1 and ran to T2

"we ready to go. i presume you want to head to the accident zone" i stood behind Alan

"you know me so well" they closed everything up and flew to the accident zone. the mono rail broke in front of our eyes and fell into the water i gasped

"brains the mono rail is down repeat the mono rail is down. I'm going in thunderbird 4 Fermat you have the bridge."

"me fly alone" i stepped in

"Fermat its fine you'll have me unlike Scott, Virgil taught me how to fly"

"Fermat the thunderbirds need you right now. i need you." Alan pleaded

"FAB" i swapped places with Fermat as Alan left for thunderbird four. i took the control helping

"Fermat deploying thunderbird four deploying in thunderbird 4 is go." we head over intercom Brains came up on screen.

"control to Thunderbird 2 come in" Brains said

"roger brains" i said letting Fermat concentrate.

"Thunderbird three is in finally approach to London what's your status" he told me

"FAB. Alan is in Thunderbird 4 working on the mono rail"

"i can't get a fix on the target i might hit the passengers." Fermat said

"i have to go brains let me know when Thunderbird three is on the ground"  I  replied

"FAB" he replied cutting off

"what going on Fermat" i asked the head

"i can't get a fix to pull up the rail Tin-Tin went and sorted it." he informed me not looking away

" Okay Fermat we need a lift" Alan asked

"FAB Alan. commencing reverse thrust." he pulled us back and lifted the rail out of the way we waited until we saw Thunderbird 4 come up in the way we cheered as Alan and Tintin brought them to the side.

"okay Fermat lets wrap this up and set her on the ground" i started flicking switches. and began to head back to jubilee gardens. once we landed i went and hugged the young hackenbacker.

"you did great Fermat. brilliant as always." i smiled

"thank you Lady Evelyn" he replied hugging me back

"its Eve to you okay" he nodded and we left thunderbird two

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