Thunderbirds 12

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At the pool i went to talked to Penny about the day's events

"i for one I'm glad this day is over. " i said she smiled

"only because you want to be getting married Evie" i giggled at her comment and nodded

"yes, oh did Jeff tell you that Scott and I have three weeks to ourselves" she shook her head

"yes he says it part one of our Wedding present"  i told her she went and talked to Parker while i talked to Jeff who was at the BBQ.

"hey Evelyn" he smiled at me which i returned

"Hello Jeff, i was wondering if i could ask you something?" he nodded for me to continue which i did

"i know your marrying me a Scott but i would be honoured if you would walk me down the aisle" he stopped what he was doing and looked at me.


"yes you've been like a father to me and well you will be my father in law. so..." i trailed off

"i would love to Eve" he hugged me and kissed my cheek i hugged back before Penny came over to talk with Jeff so i decide to relax on the sun lounger i relax with my margarita until Jeff calls our attention get up.

"gather round i have a announcement to make" i stood next to Tin-Tin and Alan

"tonight is a special night, we're all together because of four special people Fermat, Tin-Tin, Eve, Alan the world needs thunderbirds and the Thunderbirds need you" he place International Rescue pins he gave one to each of us. i looked at Scott who was grinning widely

"no short cuts Alan you earned it all of you did2 i rand and hugged Scott who twirled me around before going for Alan.

"that my boy Alan that my boy" the threw him into the pool and all jumped in i laughed at the sight as the all splashed around me and Penny looked at Tin-Tin and winked. Jeff's phone rang

"yes Madam President...i see of course...straight away." he ended the call

"Boys!" they all got out of the pool Scott came over and kissed me.

"come to the control room" i nodded and left with him he got changed and arrive standing infornt of his portrait all the boys they all looked at Alan.

"Thunderbirds are go!" they all stood to attention and the portraits lifted. they lifted and stepped in Scott winked at me before they went down. i watched as the took off but. i was feeling exhausted so i decided to go to bed.

sometime during the night i felt the bed dip and arms circle around i went closer to the warmth before complete darkness took over me once again.

Thunderbirds Are Go!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon