Thunderbirds 4

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we ran through the safe parts of the jungle toward the main structure. during our running i manage to tie up my hair making it easier.

"come on hurry!" Alan urged we ran through and made it to the house and over to the vents keeping our head down.

"watch out for the guards" Fermat whispered as Alan opened the hatch

"get in get in" Alan pushed us un and we made our way through the vents then closing it behind him i was behind Tin-Tin, my pulse was rating i wasn't scared i had been raised better that where there is a will there's a way. as we got closed the four of us peeked round a corner before continuing.

we finally made it to above the control room

"they've take over" Alan stated  the four of us ducked out heads looking at the reflection of what was going on.

"increasing temperature to maximum" the woman said

"oh god what is she wearing" i whispered the three looked at me and i shrugged turning my attention back to  what was happening

"they going to roast the others" i told them just as Kyrano and Onaha.

"who's the bald freak?" Alan asked. by the look on Kyrano face the new him .

"you" he said baldy smiled, Kyrano fell in pain to the floor. i felt helpless

"Dad" Tin-Tin voice broke

"they've got my Dad" Ferment added

"we'll get them back everything is going to be fine" i reassured them they gave a grateful smile

"okay you have our attention. who are you? what do you want?" it was Jeff.

"oh how rude of me you can call me the hood" he looked at the computer screen

"now listen Mr Tracy we will not be negotiating am going to use the thunderbirds to rob banks starting with the bank of London. the worlds money system will be throw in to chaos and the thunderbirds held responsible " we looked at each other.

"you'll never get away with it" Scott i breathed a sigh of relief that he was fine well for now i looked down at my ring and messed with it sitting up. the others sat up Tin-Tin looked shell shocked and i put my arm around her comforting her.

"that makes the Hood my uncle" she was wide eyed

"every family has a black sh-sh" he sneezed

"gazuntied" i muttered

"this room is murder with my allergies" Fer told us we smiled at him we went back to the conversation

"you left me to die. you may have broken my body but you have no idea how powerful my mind has become" the Hood told Jeff. he sat down

"now you will suffer as i suffered waiting for a rescue that will never come" he wafted his hand and the communication cut off Fermat started to gasp Tin-Tin, me and Alan covered his faces to quiet his sneeze.

"someone's there" muscle dude said

"come on" we made our way to go when a hand cam up and grabbed Fermat's ankle he screamed trying to get away me and Tin were on the same wave length and bit him before telling them to move.

"jump we can get through to the silo's " we jumped and they screamed and i whooped and cheered hey I'm fun like that do not judge. we fell into thunderbird loading arm

"Hold on" we landed down and the doors were closing

"the doors are closing" heading for T3 first but it was too late so we headed for T1 again too late i stomped my foot looking around

"No" i whined

"they've got us trapped what do we do now" i asked

"if we get into Thunderbird silo we can escape through the service tunnel" Fermat told us.

"Fermat you have to be one of the smartest kids ever let no one tell you different alright" i smiled at the youngster

"thank you Lady E-E-Eve" he replied

"So we need a plan" i looked at the thunderizer me and Alan shared a smile and nodded

"me and Eve will use the thunderizer on the door"

'elevator active' oh shit turkey mushrooms (spy kids reference) 

"Fermat, Tin-Tin. used the firefly and hold them off"

"guys this is only to be used in an emergency" we looked at him like what the hell

"i think this qualifies" we nodded and  went to the thunderizer i stood on the side. we moved towards our positions and set up.

"Time to tunderize" he hit the big button and loads of lazers made a whole in the door i looked to the others  the goons were covers in slime i giggled 

Thunderbirds Are Go!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora