Thunderbirds 5

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okay unless i say otherwise its Eve's point of view okay on with the chapter

"Come on lets go" Alan shouted as we ran for the hole i was first through

"where's Fermat. Fermat" Alan shouted

"coming" Fermat ran as fast as he could to us and we were in T1 silo

"what were you doing there Fermat" Al asked

"i had an an idea" he replied

"try and keep up I'll open the tunnel you go look out for the hood" Allie ordered we did as he said and went to look out for Mr Baldy

"guys we can't go this way. he's there" we ran back to Alan and was cornered

"what are we going to do Alan" Fermat asked as we pulled him up from tripping

"just stay strong guys" i told them

"Ah Lady Evelyn the fiancée nice to meet you" he looked towards me and gave a hint of a smile.

" i wish to say the same but your first impression are highly appalling and the dress sense you and your minions hold is distressful" i snapped.

"back up guys i have an idea"  he got our his automatic release and let go of a stone missing its target i think i had some idea what he's up to.

"that's you idea" Tin-Tin asked

"its not me your angry at Alan"

"its not you he's aiming at" Alan tried again and hit bulls eye

the floor beneath us disappeared and we dropped this was thrilling we slid down. that's when i started to feel the heat i looked back

"FIRE FROM THUNDERBIRD ONE FIRE FROM THUNDERBIRD ONE" I alerted the others and they screamed daylight blinded me as we fell into the sea. i kicked out my legs and began swimming to shore i opened my eyes and looked back i saw Al and Tin supporting Fermat. i continued swing and stood up and the water got shallower i coughed getting as much air as i could and took my top off.

"you can't swim" Alan asked

"i repeat i could have drowned i put my top on a nearby rock at went to the others

"well in different circumstances that would have been the best thrilling experience ever" i smiled at the three.

"Evelyn nothing about this is thrilling or fun okay this is serious" my smile dropped

"you don't think i know that Alan. I'm trying to be positive when inside i would do or give anything  to have Scott right now I'm worried like hell but I'm British we carry on. this is how i deal with it okay" i walked off and sat on the rock when Tin-Tin came up

"are you alright Lady Evelyn?" i smiled at her.

"yeah I'll be fine." i replied

"what Alan said was out of line" she stated i shrugged looking out at sea. i sighed

"he has a different way of dealing things that's his whole family the hood is threatening." i looked down.

"the last thing i saw of Scott he was pouting because I'm the only one who Alan let's call him Allie" she laughed

"i just wan them and everyone home" Tin-Tin hugged me and hugged back. I'll go check on the boys" i nodded and she left i got my top slipping it back on. Tin-Tin came back with the boys so we walked to another part of the beach

"data from Tracy island is sent from Tracy island to thunderbird 5 via satellite right" Fermat began


"there is a possibility that if we reach the satellite station we could..." he was cut off by Alan

"blow it up" i rolled my eyes

"ugh boys" Tin-Tin giggled

"no we could hack into it and send control back to thunderbird five" he finished that was a pretty good idea

"good thinking Fermat. let's do it" Alan took control he drew in the sand

"we're here right" making a x

"we can go along the shore and access the road then up to the transmitter here. so what do you think" it was so wrong

"good except we're here not there" Tin-Tin started making a different x

"and the transmitter is there not her" i finished joining them up

"we have to go through the jungle" both of us girls told them

"but that limits" Fermat countered

"I'm in i love adventure" i held out my hand  Tin comes stand next tom me and Alan giving a smirk

"its going to be dangerous" she added but i knew she was up for it

"I'm in" Alan put his hand on mine then Tin -Tin it was just Fermat who looked conflicted but put his hand anyway. we ran into the jungle 

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