Chapter Twenty Five: Will Everything be Okay?

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Heavy Trigger warning
~Vanoss POV~

Sitting in this uncomfortable chair with chains holding me in place plus that punch in the face. It was terrible and I wanted to punch Delirious back. Cold metal dug into my wrist and ankles as I tried to get out if the chair. My wrist screamed of pain and I sat back in the chair. I heard a small giggles coming from Delirious. His small giggles erupted into a sick fit before he stood up. His eyes were no longer a bright sapphire blue but almost gray.

"Look who we have here. It's little Evan~," he sung out. He walked over here with his hands behind his back. "What's this," he said with the worst fake surprised voice, "it's Evan's new boyfriend."

"What are you talking about Delirious?" I asked as I scooted into my chair.

"Let's all forget about little Jonathan," he said ignoring my question. "But it's alright because I Delirious am here to save the day," he said with his voice darkening.

"Delirious how did you know about Jonathan?" I asked him.

"You really aren't the brightest one now are you Evan," he said with a chuckle. I was shaking now with fear and tried to say something. Instead my mouth hung open as he was coming closer. "Don't worry little Evan you'll see who I am soon enough," he said with a giggle. I saw a glint of metal with dried blood on it.

"Tyler he's got a," I screamed out but stopped as Delirious stabbed one of Tyler's fingers. Tears flowed down my face as I watched in horror. I couldn't look away instead I saw Delirious cut slowly off each of Tyler's fingers. One by one they fell and blood flowed out of the new stubs where his fingers were.

He was screaming in pain and tears were streaming down his face. His blood dripped onto stone ground. It was forming a pool that was growing by the second by his feet. He the threw a pinch of salt on each place where fingers were. He screamed louder and begged Delirious to stop. Instead Delirious ignored his pleas and just giggled.

He began cut into Tyler's skin slowly and I shut my eyes. His screams were ringing in my ears. I want this to end and just wanted to wake up from this nightmare. I missed Victoria and the Summer days I would spend with the guys. I wished for this to stop and when I open my eyes everything would be back to normal. I opened my eyes and saw Tyler in worse shape. Delirious was off to the side admiring his work.

"You are a monster Delirious," I spat at Delirious.

"Honey I know that I'm a monster," he said with a giggle.

"How could you be okay with this?" I questioned him and glared into his dull gray eyes.

"I'm okay with this because that's who I am," he stated.

"I don't believe that your okay with this," I said with a weak smile. I looked into his eyes and saw them becoming a light blue. "I believe that you are actually caring and sweet," I said with my smile growing. Tears began to drop from his eyes. "I think that I was wrong about you being a monster," I said but saw his tears stop. I could see the blue leaving his eyes and gray returning.

"I see what you were doing trying to do Evan, break me even worse than before. Not going to happen," he sneered walked back up to Tyler. I closed my eyes and heard Tyler scream in pain but stop immediately.

All I could do was hope that Tyler was just knocked into unconsciousness. My eyes began to wet and I cried out as I opened them. There he was eyes open and jaw hung open. His chest was no longer moving up and down. His arms were limp and his head fell foreword. My soft cry turned into a sob.

I heard something drop next to me and I turned my attention to it. I saw with my blurry vision Delirious laying on the floor. He twitched a bit and anger began to course through my veins. I saw him lift his head and saw him glance up at Tyler.

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