Chapter 22

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I wake up during the night with nightmares but then I the next minute I'm being comforted by Gerard.

Poor Gee he probably didn't get any sleep. All because me.

When I wake up finally after getting some sleep my fingers are tangled in someone's hair. I look down and I see Gerard's sleeping face.

He has an innocence to him when he is asleep. You'll look at him and never know he is a badass singer from a really big band.

He looks like everyone else but he isn't. He's not like anyone else at all. He's the most amazing person I've ever met.

He'll protect you with his life.

I get out of bed careful not to wake Gee and I go downstairs to make some coffee.

As the coffee is being made I think about last night. A lot of shit happened that I'm sure Gee will want to discuss.

But am I ready to discuss it. I mean I survived but all thanks to Gerard.

He saved my life.

" Hey." Gerard says

I turn to look at him. He has bags under his eyes from lack of sleep.

And it's all my fault.

" Hi." I say

" You're  making coffee?" Gerard asks

" Yea. You're going to need it." I say

" Thanks but you need it more than me." Gerard says

" Really?" I ask

" Yea you've been through more in 24 hours than most girls do in their whole lifetime." Gerard says

" If you hadn't been there I don't know what would've happened." I say

" Well it's glad I was there. If any one hurts you again I swear..." Gerard starts

Then there was an awkward silence. Why was he so protective of me?

" So what are we doing today ?" I ask

" I thought we could just have a chill day with the guys. Is that alright?" Gerard asks

" Sounds good to me." I say

Soon the guys came over and I felt happy.

" What happened last night you guys just kind of left us ?" Mikey asks

I look at Gerard and we both tell the story. Everyone was shocked and Frank gave me a big hug.

" Thanks Frank." I say

" No problem. You deserve it with all you've been through." Frank says

" My life is a spinning whirlwind of drama." I say

" Aren't all our lives like that?" Mikey asks

" Mine more so than yours." I say

" Try me." Mikey says

" Bring it on Way." I say

" On second thought maybe not." Mikey says and shrinks back into the couch

" That's what I thought." I say

We all laugh and we continue to talk.

" So how's Liza ?" Ray asks

" She's great actually. Thanks for asking." I say

" No problem." Ray says but I see his light skin blush slightly

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