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It has been a whole month now since Gerard was shipped off the rehab. I've been taking care of work that has to be done since Gerard obviously isn't home.

I've also gotten myself another job since I know I can't be his assistant forever. That can be like my side job.

I'm currently up in my room writing down some stuff for work.

The new job I applied for and got is a job as a dance teacher. I'll be molding young kids minds of dance.

Oh and Gerard checks in on me everyday. He uses his only call a day on me. Me.

What can I say he loves me. But he could have called anyone else any other day. But he chose to call me.

We never really talk about the incident. I guess he isn't ready yet to talk about it. But I know we'll have to talk about it soon.

And I'm going to be able to see him in a couple of weeks.

I look at my mirror where I have taped pictures of us. I miss him . A lot.

Me and him we've been through a lot. More than any couple should go through.

It's weird calling us a couple. It only seems like yesterday that it was my first day here.

And I remember he annoyed the hell out of me. It's funny how people can annoy hell out of you but turn out to be the best people in your lives.

Soon my phone starts to ring and I know it's Gerard.

" Right on time as usual." I say

Then I slide open the call.

" Hi Lyssa." Gerard says

" Hi Gee." I say

" How have things been at the house?" Gerard asks

" Same as usual. I'm bored as hell without you here." I say

" Yea but a few more weeks and then I'll be able to see your beautiful face again." Gerard says

" so how are things over there ?" I ask

" Great in fact I might have to cut this call short." Gerard says

" Why?" I ask

" Some group bonding activity ." Gerard says

" Sounds fascinating." I say sarcastically

"I know right." Gerard says

And we laugh hysterically.

" I miss you a lot." Gerard says

" I miss you too Gee. A lot." I say

" So how are the guys?" Gerard asks

" The guys are good they all send their best wishes." I say

" Tell them I say thank you." Gerard says

" Don't worry I will." I say

" So what have you been doing to keep your self entertained?" Gerard asks

" Not much I've been mostly working. But I have been listening to music and dancing around. I've also been hanging out with the guys . They miss you too." I say

" I miss all of you so much. You wouldn't be like this if it hadn't been my fault." Gerard says

"Now Gee don't say that remember it's never your fault ." I say

" But it feels like it is my fault ." Gerard says

" I know but it isn't trust me." I say

" I already do trust you." Gerard says

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