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Chapter 1

*Selena's POV*

I was walking down a dark underground tunnel or something with my hands tied behind my back. Two big muscular guys were standing right next to me, one holding my arm, they were bringing me somewhere. you guys probably dont know how this happened. well let me start by saying im not one of your normal 19 year old girls. im one of the top spies in the world, my kill average is 217, all bad guys. my parents were killed when I was 9, I saw them get killed with my own eyes, they were the top FBI agents, some guy named Ian killed them, starting that day I swore that I would get revenge. I have this necklace that has my parents engagement rings. I always wear it. now back to what is happening. It all started when I was at the park taking a walk and thinking.


I was sitting underneath this huge tree blocking the sun. I started to leave, when I walked passed an alley someone grabbed me. I started to defend myself. I looked up and saw two big muscular guys. 

Guy1: stop were not trying to hurt you!  

Selena: Why the hell should I believe you?!? *punches him in the face* 

Guy2: we promise! 

Selena: *starts to run away*  

Guys: *catches upto her and grabs her hands and ties them up together* 

Selena: *struggling* let me go! 


we got to a door. a sign that says the FBI. the guys had to go through tons of security, till' finally we got a room.. 

(end of POV)

*Justin's POV* 

Demi and Christian and I were called by Chad(our boss) to meet at his office, when we got there we took a seat.. 

Justin: what do you need us for? 

Chad: Well you know how we been trying to catch Ian for years now? 

Christian: yeah.... 

Chad: well I got someone who can help us.... alot.. were just waiting for our two guys to bring her here.. 

Demi: did you say, her?? 

Chad: Yupp.. 

*selena and the guys come in*  

I saw a really hot girl with a nice sexy body, but has her hands tied I wonder why?  

(end of POV)

Chad: *walks upto selena* welcome! we have been waiting for you *smiles* 

Selena: not to sound rude or anything but, who are you?  

Chad: my name is Chad your parents former boss.. 

Selena: Oh. so your chad? 

Chad: yupp. and you my dear must be selena.. 

Demi: wait selena?!?! 

Selena: Yupp. thats my name Selena Marie Gomez 

Demi: Oh My Gosh Selena its Demi!! 

Selena Ahh! *hugs demi* 

Chad: yous know each other? 

Selena: we were bestfriends when we were young till' she had to move.. 

now apparantly she works for the FBI.. 

Demi: what are you doing here? 

Selena: I dont know *hands still tied and sits down* 

Chad: selena your in danger 

Selena: I know, just this morning when I woke up there was someone in my hotel room and they almost killed me! 

Chad: what happened? and why were you in a hotel room?  

Selena: oh well I killed the dude, and well I was in a hotel room because One of Ian's workers planted a bomb in my house but I managed to ran out of the house before it exploded.. 

Chad: selena we need your help and we have been catching ian for a long time too. *faces to selena* we want to work with you. This is our group that has been working on the case, Demi, Christian and Justin  

Demi: wait selena ur an agent? 

Selena: Spy. 

Demui: Why? 

Selena: Ian killed my parents. I want Revenge 

Christian: wow 

Chad: selena also wants to kill Ian so she would be a big help for us, is that a yes?  

Selena: Uhh *secretly takes a knife out of her boot and unties her hands* Sure! 

Chad: great 

then you will be working with justin.. 

Justin: *stands up* Hi! im justin  

Selena: Im selena *puts out her hand* 

Justin: *shakes it* make sure you can catch up.. 

Selena: *gasps* don't worry im sure im also in the same level as you.. 

Justin: yeah sure, tell your self that babe.. 

Selena: don't call me babe!

*Selena's POV* 

This Justin guy is so rude.. He thinks he's so much better than me.. well i'll show him...  

(end of POV)

Guy1: hey! how did you untie yourself?? 

Guy2: yeah we tied it so tight that you cant untie it behind your back!! 

Selena: oh thats for me to know and for you to never find out.. its my little secret!! 

Chad: ur just like ur parents 

Selena: thank you *smiles*

*Justin's POV* 

working with selena should be interesting 

(end of POV)

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