UNDERCOVER 2 Chapter 2

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(The Next Day-At FBI HQ)
Demi runs into Chad's office.
{Demi's Outfit: Brown Satin Blouse, French Skinny Jeans, Elyse Western Boots}
Demi: "CHAD! CHAD! I found out who did the bank robbery yesterday in New York."
Chad: "Great. Who is it?"
Demi: "Alex Russo."
Chad: "Really? But just last week there was a robbery in London and it as from Alex Russo."
Demi: "Well, she travels fast. Oh and a worker at the bank called. He said that apparently Alex Russo didn't take all the money. In fact she about 1/4 of the money that was in the safe."
Chad: "Maybe she didn't have enough time?"
Demi: "Nope. They said that she didn't take it all on purpose. She left it there on purpose."
Chad: "Huh. Would you look at that? It seems as if Alex Russo actually has a heart."
Demi: "I did a background search on her. It turns out she has killed many, many, many people. But she has never killed an innocent person or a good person."
Chad: "Really?"
Demi: "Yup. All enemies and criminals and spies."
Chad: "Ok. Thanks. If you get more information tell me."
Demi: "Ok." She leaves.

(With Alex Russo)
{Selena/Alex's Outfit: Evanity Shirt Strippes, Black Tank Top, Scrunch Boots}
Alex is walking down the street towards Ian's building. As she is walking, she feels as if someone is following her. She slightly turns her head, so that the person can't see her looking, but enough that she can see them. She sees a guy in the mid-20s. He has brown hair and is following Alex. Alex starts to walk around and around and walk randomly anywhere. In an alley, she finally stops. She turns around and the guy is right there.
Alex: "Who the hell are you?"
?: "Someone whose name you should know. But you are a challenge for me if I want to become the world's most dangerous criminal."
Alex: "Oh. So you are a criminal. I don't think you're a good one because I already knew you were following me." She smirks.
The guy gets angry and pulls out a gun. Alex quickly dodges the bullet and pulls out her throwing knife from her boot. She swings it and it hits him right in the stomach. Alex then walks away. She pulls her phone at and calls the cops to report the criminal. She then quickly runs away to Ian's building.

Chad: "Christian! Demi!"
Christian: "Sup man."
Chad: "I need you guys to go investigate a murder scene."
Demi: "What happened?"
Chad: "A well-known criminal was killed and someone reported it to the cops."
Demi: "Who?"
Chad: "Tommy. Tommy Watson."
Christian and Demi's eyes widen.
Christian: "Tommy? As in THE Tommy Watson? The one we have been tracking down and trying to kill since last year?"
Chad: "Yes."
Demi: "Where are we going?"
Chad: "Manhatten, New York City. Go get Justin and Miley. They are going along with you."
Demi: "Aww. Why?"
Chad: "Well I think you know why Justin is going. He's one of the best. And you guys are going to be there for a long time because I have a feeling Alex Russo is there, so Miley is probrably going to follow Justin anyway. Plus if you guys needed answers from players, you can get her to do ther slutty work."
Christian: "Fine."
Chad: "Go pack your bags. You're leaving in 2 hours."

(With Ian)
Alex: "I just killed Tommy Watson."
Ian: "WHAT! You killed Tommy Watson?"
Alex: "Yup. He liked stopped me and I pretended I didn't know him and yeah.
Ian: "Thank You!!!!!!!! I have wanted to kill him since last year."
Alex: "Oh you're welcome. He followed me and wanted to kill me but I killed him first so..."
Ian: "He was following you?"
Alex: "Oh yeah. He said something about wanting to be the most dangerous criminal or something and I was the only challenge that was left between him and the title."
Ian starts laughing.
Alex: "I know right. It is hilarious."
Ian: "You did a good job, Selena."
Alex: "Thanks Ian. Hey you gotta admit. I did many people a favor. I'm sure all law enforcements would thank me."
Ian: "Stop getting ahead of yourself."
Alex starts laughing and sits herself on his couch and puts her feet up, reading a magazine.
Ian: "Again. Why don't you want your own office?"
Alex: "Because I would get bored. Plus, your office is like my office."
Ian just rolls his eyes.
Alex: "Aww. Ian? Are you getting annoyed?" She laughs.
Ian starts laughing along with her.

(Ian's POV:
Honestly, I don't know why I didn't do this first. Selena is a good girl. She has a sense of humor. If she wasn't the daughter of my two former enemies I probably would treat her as a daughter. But now since she lost her memories I already do. It's very helpful for me. She is better than all of my workers. It's actually fun having her around. End of POV)

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