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Selena let out a breath. She was nervous, really nervous. Of course she probrably would have exploded by now if Justin weren't next to her. They slowly made their way around the warehouse. They spotted the entrance. There were two huge, bulky security guards standing in front. Selena looked back at Justin. Justin nodded back. They both took out their guns and aimed. The bullets shot through the air at an incredible speed and hit the security guards in the head. The security guards let out a gasp of air and crumbled to the floor. Justin and Selena walked towards the entrance.

Justin: "You ready?"

Selena: *Kisses her necklace* "Yup." She was ready. She knew that her parents would always be by her side, watching over her. They were on a very dangerous mission. What was the mission? KILL IAN. Yup, that's right. Selena's mission is to kill Ian. After all, the reason she joined the FBI was to help them catch Ian and kill him. After many months of research, they knew exactly where Ian was hiding. He was in a warehouse, in Salt Lake City. Selena and Justin slowly and quietly walked in. They kept on walking until they saw another guard. Selena threw a throwing knife and it hit him exactly by the heart. Another one dead. They continued walking until they heard someone coming. They quickly entered the room, and hid. They heard someone walk in.


?#2: "Yes sir." Selena and Justin heard the door close. Suddenly, Selena recognized the first voice. It was Ian. She turned towards Justin and mouthed Ian. Justin understood.

Justin: "The code word is pineapple."

Selena: "Why pineapple?"

Justin: *Shrugs* "Why not?"

They decided to start their plan. Selena looked around and saw two guards. Justin saw another two. Selena shot and threw a knife at her two guards. They both fell down in a second. Justin shot both of his guards. The shots hit them perfectly in the heart. Justin got out of his hiding space.

Justin: "FBI! PUT YOUR HANDS UP! YOU ARE ARRESTED!" He pointed his gun at Ian.

Ian: *Laughs* "Do you seriously think I only bring around 4 guards?" Justin looked around and saw three more humungous guards. He shot one dead. The other was quick enoug to get to him. He started fighting him and Justin snapped his neck. The last one, however, snuck up on Justin and held his arms around his back. Justin tried to get out of the guard's grip, but could not. Ian stood up.

Ian: "Well, looks like pretty boy is gonna die. Any last words."

Justin: "Yup." *Smirks* "Pineapple." Then, just like magic. A knife comes out flying towards the last guard. It hits him in the heart, and the guard collapses. Justin quickly grabs his gun and puts Ian in a headlock. He searches Ian to see if he has any weapons on him and it turns out he didn't.

Ian: "How did you?"

Justin: "Ian. Meet my partner, Selena Gomez." Ian's eyes opened wide as he heard Selena's name. Selena walked out of her hiding spot without a weapon in her hand.

Selena: "Hey, Ian. Miss me."

Ian: "You...you...B**** You won't get away with this. I'll get you back. Just you wait."

Selena: "Oh, Ian. I already did." She whips out a gun. "I'm here for revenge. I swore to myself that I will get revenge one day for my parents, and today, at this exact moment, I will make it come true."

Justin: "Well, Ian. Any last words?" Justin mocked.

Ian: "Selena. You and your parents can go to hell."

Selena: "Behind you." She shoots Ian in the head. Ian goes limp. Selena takes a step back. She couldn't believe it. After so many years of trying to get revenge, it happened. Ian was dead. She looked upwards and kissed her necklace. Justin and Selena walked out hand in hand, smiling.

Justin: "You look so much happier now that the asshole is dead."

Selena: "Yup. For all I care, that son of a b**** can rot in hell." They walked away hand in hand with the building exploding in the background.


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