UNDERCOVER 2 Chapter 4

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Episode 4
(In the airplane)

Justin was so sleepy but didn't want to close his eyes he was about to fall asleep when he accidentally pressed his phone to call he leaned in too see who he called and when he saw who it was the caller ID was Selena's just then he heard a voice that he long never heard of before. "Hello?, who is this" he put the phone to his ear. The sweet voice of his long loved was now being heard on the phone he then suddenly became nervous "hello??" She then said again. "S-sorry wrong number" Justin said nervously and immediately pressed the hang up button.
Justin ran into the airplane bathroom. He leaned by the sink and splashed his face with water. He took out his phone and checked his phone. He looked at recent calls. Yup. There it was. On the top of the list... "Selena 3 sec. Ago" for him his feelings are unbelievable

Selena's POV
I was reading through my magazine when a guy named "Justin" from my caller ID called me, I don't even know this guy and how the hell did his number get in here?? Maybe I met him a long time ago when I didn't have amnesia. Huh, oh well. I pressed the call button "hello?" I said. But no one was replying, "hello??" I said again, but then again no one was replying. I was about to press the end call button when I heard the guy say "S-sorry wrong number" then hang up. The voice just keeps on replaying in my head, somehow I feel like somewhere I've heard the voice before and get this it's like the voice is magic to my ears.. Huh.. Weird, oh we'll back to what I was reading..
End of POV


(In Ian's Office)
Ian: "SELENA!"
{Selena's Outfit: TLW Shoulder strap top, Nude Ruffle Dress, Steve Madden Ankle Boots}
Selena put her magazine down.
Selena: "What?"
Ian: "Are you going to pick up Nick?"
Selena: "Of course! He's going to arrive in an hour. I can't wait to see him. He had to go to LA to visit his parents over the weekends."
Ian: "Of course." He waits for her response.
Selena is just staring at Ian. She looks at her phone.
Selena: *Jumps up* "Oh shit. He's almost here! I gotta go. BYE!"

(At the airport)
Demi: "Justin are you okay? You've been acting weird ever since we got off the plane."
Justin: "Huh. Oh, I'm fine."
Miley: "Let's go get our bags. I need to fix my makeup."
Demi rolls her eyes.
They walk out and spot many people waiting to pick up their friends or family. They try to walk through these people.
They hear someone scream that. They look to the side and see a girl around their age run up to a guy with curly hair. She runs into his arms and they hug tightly.
Nick: "I missed you."
Selena: "I missed you, too."
Demi: "She looks awfully familiar."
Justin: "And sounds really familiar too."
Just then Selena turns towards them. Christian, Demi, and Justin gasp. Miley has no idea what is going on.
Miley: "What? Who is she?"
Demi: "Selena?"
The couple starts walking away.
Justin: "Miley? Why don't you go look for a cab?"
Miley: "Whatever." She walks away. The other three start chasing Selena while screaming her name. Just as Selena turns around a crowd of people come in between them. Selena shrugs and continues walking. By the time, the people clear away, they don't know where Selena is anymore.
Christian: "Maybe that wasn't Selena."
Demi sighs. "I really miss her."
Christian: "I miss her too." They walk off. Justin is hesitant but follows them.

(At the hotel)
Demi: "So Christian and I are going to share a room. Do you guys want to share a room?"
Miley says yes and Justin says no at the same time.
Miley: "But, babe..."
Justin: "No, Miley. I like my space."
Christian: "That's not how you were with Selena." He mumbles this but Demi hears him. She elbows him.
Miley: "Fine. We'll take separate rooms."
They all go to their rooms.

(Back At Ian's)
Ian: "Selena, I have a mission for you."
Selena: "What's the mission?"
Ian: "I want Alex to kill someone for me. He's the one of the two best agents in the world. He is also tied with you and Alex Russo for best shooter and best fighter. I want him gone."
Selena: "What do you want me to do?"
Ian: "Well, right now he is in New York. I need you to get close to him. Become his friend, date him, make him fall in love with you whatever. Then, you kill him."
Selena: "But won't he know who Alex is."
Ian: "Of course. He probably know how you look like too. So just leave the way you look except with green contacts. Then, say your name is Sam, short for Samantha. Join the FBI and make sure you get close to him."
Nick: "But... he'll touch MY girlfriend." He pouts.
Ian: "Technically he is going to be with Sam Davison."
Selena: "I'll call you babe. When do I start?"
Ian: "Go to Washington D.C tomorrow. First you need to hack into the government files and a person name Sam Davison."
Selena: "Done. Let's see. My full name is Samantha Nicole Davison. I'm 5'5". I play every sport except lacrosse, which is true. I graduated NYU with a doctorate even though I'm only 22. My birthday is March 20. My parents died in a car accident. I'm an only child. Brown hair. Green eyes. Is that good?"
Ian: "perfect."
Selena: "I love how my undercover identity is going undercover."
They all laugh.

[A/N: Alright to avoid ALL confusion. When she is Alex I will put Alex. When she is herself I will call her as Selena. When she is Sam I will put her as Sam.]

(The Next Day: In Washington D.C-FBI HQ)
Sam walks in the front doors. Waiting there for her is Chad. When Chad sees her, he looks shocked.
Sam: "Um...hello. I'm Sam Davison."
Chad: "Uh, hi. I'm Chad. The president or boss."
Sam: "Nice to meet you."
Chad: "You know you look a lot like the criminal Alex Russo and the spy Selena Gomez."
Sam sighs.
Sam: "You don't know how many times I've heard that. People are always mistaking me for them. It gets tough because then I might get arrested one day because they'll mistaken me for Alex or something."
Chad: "You look just like Alex Russo and Selena Gomez. Except you have green eyes. You have the greenest eyes I have ever seen."
Sam: "Thanks."
Chad: "Alright. Let me see what level you are for shooting, fighting, healing, education, hiding, and driving."
Sam: "Cool."
Chad first takes her to the shooting rink. He gives her instructions. She gets ten bullets. He wants to see how many bullets she can make. Sam looks up and takes aim. She shoots all ten one after another. When she is done she looks at the target. All ten form a little circle around the bulls eye. She looks over at Chad and sees his jaw dropped. She doesn't blame him. After all, how many people do you know that can shoot this good other than Justin, Selena, and Alex. In fact, Alex, Selena, and Sam are probably better than Justin.
Chad: "Whoa! You are better than Justin and probably on the same level as Alex and Selena."
He leads her to the fighting rink. He points to a guy who is probably two times the size of Sam.
Chad: "His name is Dylan. He is the third best fighter we ever had. After Justin who is after Selena. You will be fighting him." They enter the rink and start fighting. In less than five minutes, Dylan is on the floor after being flipped by Sam. Chad is amazed.
Chad: 'Wow. Same as Selena and Alex and better than Justin."
He leads her next to a small room. There is someone injured. Sam quickly knew what she was supposed to do and went straight to work. In just under 5 minutes, she cleaned out the guy's gun wound and bandaged it. Chad just nods in approval. Sam continues with the testing for the whole day and is on the same level with Selena and Alex for everything.
Chad: "You are going to be the best agent along with a guy named Justin."
Sam: "Great! When do I start?"
Chad: "Did you unpack your bags yet?"
Sam: "No."
Chad: "Good Cuz your going to New York."

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