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 So where we left off from before, Selena was shot by Ian while protecting Brooklyn. She was in a coma but woke up. She was unsure of her surroundings. Ian was able to take her. Justin, Ariana, Kevin, Chad, Brooklyn, Demi and Christian soon found out.
3 years have passed from UNDERCOVER to UNDERCOVER 2. Let's see what happened during these three years.
Justin Bieber: Well, since they can't find Selena, Justin has decided that he needed to move on. He still remembers her and still loves her(even though he won't admit it). He has moved on to a new FBI agent. Her name: Miley Cyrus. {A/N: No hate toward Miley. Love ya and all but needed someone} Justin thinks she's really sweet and nice and a good person. Ha! Yeah right.
Christian Beadles: Well, still boyfriend of Demi. Absolutely HATES Miley. Misses Selena alot. Isn't as close to Justin as before because of Miley.
Demi Lovato: Really Misses Selena. HATES MILEY! Like EXTREMELY HATES Miley. Reason why? 1. Miley stole Justin from them. 2. Justin would rather believe Miley than his friends. 3. Miley took Justin from Selena. 4. Miley hit on Christian even after she knew he had a girlfriend.
Ariana Grande: Working with the CIA to see if there is a better chance of finding Selena. Still engaged to Kevin. HATES Miley! For 3 reasons: 1. Justin isn't as close to them anymore. 2. Even as his cousin, he would rather believe Miley than them. 3. Miley is a fucking 2-faced bitch, while Selena is nice.
Kevin: Still engaged to Ariana. Working with the CIA again. Hates Miley.
Miley: New girl. Not a really good agent. Average. 2-faced bitch. Dresses as a slut. Wears 10 pounds of makeup a day. Wears 6 inch heels almost every single day. NOT athletic. Hates sports. Nice to Justin's friends when he is there. When he isn't there, she is a bitch towards them.
Ian: Decided he no longer wants to kill Selena anymore. The reason? I'll explain when it comes to Selena.
Selena: Someone know one has seen but is thought about every single day. Good news: She is alive! Bad news: Suffers from amnesia. Of course since she is such an amazing spy and good at fighting and shooting and stuff, Ian decided to use that for his own benefits. Beacuse she suffers from amnesia, she can't remember anything at all. Not even the fact that she is working for the person she wants to kill. Has a boyfriend. Name: Nick Jonas. Remember him? You should. he was the one that was supposed to help Ian kill Selena. He was going to use her. But he really fell in love with her. She is inlove with him as well. I know so sad. She is still working as a spy and is still one of the best spies in the world. In fact she got better. When she is doing crimes for Ian she uses an undercover name: Alex Russo. Let's face it. Ian isn't stupid.So "Alex Russo" is on the top of the most wanted list. Every police station, FBI agent, CIA agent, spy, and criminal knows the name Alex Russo. When going undercover she puts on blue contact. BTW: Nick knows about Alex Russo.
"Alex Russo": Most wanted criminal in the world. Number 1 on the Most wanted list everywhere. Amazing driver. Best driver in the world. Apparently has "blue eyes" and brown hair. All in all, Selena still looks like Selena except for the eyes which fools ALOT of people. Known everywhere. Even the strongest and toughest criminals fear her. Total badass.

So. Looks like Selena has certainly changed. Do you think Justin and Selena will fall in love again? Or do you think their love story is at a complete end? What will happen if Selena sees her friends again? Will the memories come back? Find out in UNDERCOVER 2.


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