UNDERCOVER 2 Chapter 10

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UNDERCOVER 2 Chapter 10

Everyone is in Justin's room. Sam has just told everyone that Ryder, the person they are to find guilty, likes Sam. He was supposed to be interested in Miley. Justin is pacing around worridly mumbling to himself while Sam is watching him, eating pickles in entertainment. Demi is reading a magazine, Christian is on his phone, and Miley is fixing her makeup. Just then Justin's phone rings.

Justin: "Hello?"

Chad: "Hey Justin, mind putting the call on speaker?" Justin turns on the speakphone. "Guys...I'm fully aware of what happened."

Demi: "How?"

Chad: "I have to keep track of everything your doing so when you mess up, I know how to fix it."

Sam: "Nice to know you have faith in us."


Chad: "So our plan didn't work. Miley didn't attract the attention of Ryder. Instead he went for Sam. Tell me from the beginning exactly what happened." They all started talking at once. "Shut up! Sam why not you just tell us the story."

Sam: "Ok. Well, we were walking into the club. We were all wearing dresses and heels. Miley was wearing something that exposed lots of cleavage. Demi was walking on one side ofher with Christian next to her. I was walking on the other side of Miley. I headed straight to the bar and Miley headed to the dance floor. The others were on a couch. I ordered a drink then someone tapped me on the shoulder. He started flirting with me. He asked me to dance and I said sure. I drinking so I may have started making out with him. We broke apart and he told me his name."

Chad: "Alright change of plans. Sam, you will be the love interest now."

Miley: "Am i still the owner of this house?"

Chad: "Um... yes. If the plan goes well, Sam will allow Ryder to meet her parents somewhere else. You'll just continue the plan and say your parents are on a buisness trip and you guys decided to stay with Miley."

Justin: "Am I still Miley's brother?"

Chad: "No...You can be her boyfriend."

Justin: "So I'm acting as myself."

Chad: "Exactly. You guys are going to the same club tonight again. Good luck."

(Night-at the club)

They walk in together.

(Ryder's POV)

The door opened and I looked around. People were staring at someone. I looked at what they were staring at and my jaw dropped. Is it just me or does Sam look hotter than the last time I saw her. I mean her friends are hot too but Sam is WHOO! Her blonde haired friend looks like a slut though. She exposes WAY TOO much. She just overdoes it. Her other friend isn' t my type. As I snapped out of my thoughts I saw Sam looking at me and walking over. (End of POV)

{A/N: Miley is blonde. Demi has red-ish brownish hair. Sam is a brunette.}

Sam: "Hey, Ryder."

Ryder: "Hey, babe. You look gorgeous really hot tonight."

Sam: *Rolls her eyes* "Thanks."

"Your Body" By Christina Aguilera comes on.

Sam: "I love this song. Come on." She drags Ryder onto the dance floor. Ryder chuckles and follows. They danced together all night. Then, they pulled apart and went to the bar.

Ryder: "Can I have a Margarita and a sex on the beach?"

Sam: "I'm guessing the Margarita is for you?"

Ryder: "How did you know?"

Sam: "Because either way I'm taking the Sex on the Beach." Ryder laughs.

They get their drinks and hurridly gulp it down.

Sam: "I need to go to the bathroom. I'll be back." She walks away. 5 minutes later she walks back and feels a hand on her wrist. She gasps. The person pushes her into a corner and puts his hands on either side of her face trapping her. She looks at the guy and it's Ryder.

Ryder: *He puts a hand on her waist.* "You know you look really beautiful tonight."

Sam: "Are you trying to flirt with me?"

Ryder: "Depends is it working?"

Sam: "No."

Ryder: "Then, no."

Sam: "What is I said yes?"

Ryder: "You might have got a different answer." Sam laughs and pushes him away. He chuckles and follows her to the bar.

Ryder: "Let's play 20 questions."

Sam: "Sure why not."

Ryder: "I go first. Are you single?"

Sam: "Yes."

Ryder: "Good. I am too."

Sam: "What's your favorite band?"

Ryder: "Imagine Dragons."

Sam: "Oh. I love that band, but my favorite band is Paramore."

Ryder: "Are you a virgin?"

Sam: *Gasps* "Dirty minded are we."

Ryder: "Nope. Just curious."

Sam: "I'm not a virgin."

Ryder: "That's too bad. You look real innocent in this dress. I just wanted to bring you home and take away all of your innocence."

Sam: *Rolls her eyes* "Arrogant."

Ryder: "Nope. Just confident."

Sam: "I like confident guys."

Ryder: "Then, I'm your man."

Sam: "Nah..." Ryder chuckles. Sam looks at the time.

Sam: "It's getting alittle late. I have to go. Bye." She walks out before Ryder can answer.

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