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Chapter 19

Selena: *Goes to open the door. Still in her pajamas* "Ahhh!!!!!!!!!!"

Justin: *Wakes up* "Wha...What happened?"

Selena: "Demi!!!!!!!!!!" *Hugs her*

Christian: "What about me?"

Selena: "Chris!" *Hugs him*

Justin: "Chris! Whattcha doin here man?"

Demi: "You know how you guys are about to carry out your plan. Well, we are part of the backup crew."

Selena: "OMG! Yay."

Christian: "So what's the plan?"

Justin: "Well, Randy is going to an investment deal with us."

Selena: "We agree and pretend to make the deal."

Justin: "Then. when he goes to check his computer to see if my company's money is gone..."

Selena: "We confront him."

Justin: "Half of the backup crew is going to go in and arrest them."

Selena: "The other half will be standing outside surrounding the building incase anyone tries to run away."

Justin: "And we don't shoot unless they do."

Christian: "Whoa."

Demi: "Ikr."

Selena: *Confused* 'What?"

Demi: "It's so creepy how you guys can finish each others sentences."

Selena: "Well, we know this plan from the back of our head."

Justin: "Yup. We worked really hard on this."

Demi: "I can tell."

Christian: "So when are we going to do the plan."

Selena: "In 3 days."

Demi: "I can't wait."

Christian: "So what r we going to do today?"

Selena: "Let's go to the beach."

Demi: "Yeah."

Justin: "Sure. Why not?"

Christian: "Let's go."

Demi: "Let's change first."

(At the beach)

{Selena's Outfit: pink stripped bikini}

{Justin's Outfit: boxer shorts}

{Demi's Outfit: peach brown bikini}

Selena: *Takes off her clothes*

Justin: *Staring*

Selena: *Giggles* "Like what you see?" *Smirks*

Justin: *Wraps his arm around her waist* "I can't help but stare. You look so damn sexy in everything you wear."

Selena: *Blushes*

Justin: *Chuckles. Kisses her cheek*

Demi: "You guys are such cute couple."

Selena: "What? We aren't a couple."

Christian: "Really? You guys sure act like one."

Selena and Justin both blush.

Demi: "Come on Chris. Let get in the water."

They go into the water.

Justin: *Puts Selena over her shoulder. Starts running to the water.*

Selena: *Laughing* "Justin! Put me down."

Justin: "Ok." *Drops her into the water*

Selena: *Pulls Justin down with her*

They come up and realize their faces are so close together.

Justin: *Starts leaning in*

Selena: *Leaning in as well*

They are less than a centimeter apart.

Selena: *Pushes Justin away*

Justin: "You are such a tease."

Selena: "You know you like it." *Winks. Walks back to land*

Justin: "Of course I like it. It's so hot and turns me on." He mumbles.

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