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I flipped the pancake in the frying pan and then put it on a plate.
"Alexis breakfast is ready." I called for my four year old daughter to come down and eat.

For the last ten months it had just been me and her. Me and her mother, Meridith, got a divorce about nine months ago because she found out that I had a one night stand with my publisher, Gina. Surprisingly I don't remember it though. I remember getting drunk while taking to Gina, but I don't remember having sex with her.
I loved my wife with all my heart, sure she was always on trips for her acting career but it didn't bother me most of the time.
But then one day Meridith came into our loft shouting she wanted a divorce. I asked her why and she then brought up me sleeping with Gina. I wanted to say it wasn't true but when I thought about it and I wasn't  sure, and that's when I remembered me waking up in Gina's bed and it was clear that was what I had done. We went through a long, horrible, divorce. She tried to get soul custody of Alexis but her lawyer agreed that she was always working so there would be no time for Alexis, so I finally got soul custody of my baby girl. In the meantime, I haven't seen Gina for about 11 months, witch is kinda suspicious since she is my publisher but I can't write anyway because of what I've been going through.

Yes I am a writer. I am Richard Castle. World famous mystery novelist. It's my job, Meridith would work in another country and I would work at home while getting to watch Alexis. But because of the divorce I haven't had any new ideas or time to write, but recently I found an idea for a character called Derik Storm, he would be a private investigator who worked with the FBI from time to time, and just imagine the titles, storm season, wild storm, and that's just the beginning!!

"Here I am daddy! What's for breakfast?"
A smile grew across my face. Who could of known that me and Meridith could of created such an intelligent angel!
"One of your favorites, pancakes!"
Her smile grew bigger as she started to eat her food.
"I love them daddy but tomorrow could you make s'morelets?" She gave me the sad puppy dog face and I chuckled.
"Sure thing pumpkin."

We finished our breakfast and she grabbed the dirty dishes and brought them to the sink as I wiped off the table. I then followed her over to the sink and started the water, she handed me a plate and we started to wash the dishes like we do almost every day now.
"Daddy what are we going to do today?" I thought about it for a minute before replying.
"Well sweetie if you want to we can go to the park then go to remies afterwards." She quickly started nodding her head yes.
"Ok pumpkin, I'll finish up here, how about you go get dressed." She jumped down from the stool she was standing on and ran upstairs to get ready.

Sometimes I wonder how I have the best and the worst luck at the same time. I have bad luck because of the divorce with Meridith but I mean in a few years that would of probably happened anyway because she was more concerned about her acting career than about me or Alexis. But then again I have good luck because I am a word famous author, and because I have the sweetest most smartest daughter in the world.

I finished up the dishes as I heard a knock at the door. I dried my hands then went over to see who was at the door. I opened it to see none other than Gina.
"Gina! What are you doing here? I haven't seen you since a month after, well you know."
She stood there in silence for a second before speaking up.
"Look Richard, I have to tell you something but I don't want you to freak out."
I nodded my head in agreement, then saw her turn around and pick up what I believe was a baby.
"Richard this is your son."
I stood there for a moment in shock.
She signed.
"Yes Richard this is your son. The reason I've been gone for 11 months was because I found out I was pregnant. And yes I'm sure this is your son."
I took a minute for it all to sink in. I looked down at the baby in her arms. He had blonde hair and beautiful hazel eyes, witch he got both from Gina.
"And I want you to take him."
She said that while handing me my son.
"Why don't you want him?" I asked curiously.
"Because Richard, I never intended on being a mother! You know I can barely stand kids as it is!"
That sent a sharp pain right through my heart. How could this woman hate children so much.
"I'm leaving town, so you will have to find a new publisher. I put some references in his things." She handed me his bag. "I filled out all the paper work, he is legally yours, you just need to sign the papers and send them to your lawyer, they're also in his bag."
This wasn't hard for her at all!! I still had one thing to ask her before she left. As she turned around to leave I spoke up.
"What's his name?"
She turned around and said, "I never named him." She then got into the elevator and left. I turned around to see Alexis running down the stairs toward me, but she slowed down as she got closer to me.
"Daddy who is that?"
I swallowed then looked at her.
"This is your new baby brother."
She came up toward me and I nealed down to her hight.
"Hi brother! Daddy, what's his name?"
I thought about it for a moment then said,
           "Ross. Ross, Shor, Castle."

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