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Ross' POV

"Those are not my drugs a swear!" I kept telling the lady on the other side of the table the same thing over and over again but she wouldn't believe me.
"Look, you and your friend have been coming to my crime scenes for the last 3 weeks, and honestly I'm tired of haling your asses down here. You see I'm homicide, so most of the time I don't pay attention to drugies, but this is the 4th time this has happened. So you have two options, 1 you tell me the truth and you get out of here, or 2, you can spend the night in holding with Jeb the child mulester. It's up to you, now is it going to be one or two." I thought for a minute then responded.
"Look there is no proof those are my drugs, sure you found them in my bag, but it was unzipped, so anyone could of walked by me and slipped it in there without me knowing. And I don't have any friends, not one so its impossible that you could of seen me with a 'friend' getting high, and I don't know anyone who does drugs expected for the jerk at my school named hunter." Her eyes widened when I said his name.
"Well hunter is the guy I have had to bring in the last couple weeks for being high, but if this is true, explain why you were at that crime scene." I took a breath and let it out.
"I was on the way to Starbucks to meet my sister Alexis, but I was held back by my teacher because she had to speak to me. Then when I left I realized she had probably already gone home so I took a short cut I knew to get home faster, and that's when I came across the crime scene so I stopped to see what was going on, and that's when one of your officers got suspicious and searched me and found the drugs." She then went outside for a moment to talk to someone, then came back in.
"Your lucky Ross, if it wasn't for my daughter bumping into your sister at Starbucks you would be spending the night in holding."
I was confused, but I pushed it to the side.
"Ok, can I call my sister to come pick me up?"
She gave me a evil smile.
"Ow there's no need, your father and sister are both here."
My eyes widened.
"I am so dead." I whispered under my breath. She then took out a key, and unlocked the hand cuffs, and brought me out of the room. She then took me to where Alexis, my dad, and some girl was standing.
"Oh my god I was so worried!" Alexis came over to me and gave me a big hug.
"I'm fine Alexis." I assured her.
My dad then came over to me.
" hey at least they weren't your drugs."
He was paying attention to something on someone's desk, and started messing with it.
The girl next to my sister was trying to reframe from laughing but I wasn't sure why.
"Mr. Castle, could you leave my desk alone!" The lady officer came over to her desk and grabbed what my dad was playing with.
"Oh sorry, guess I just got a little distracted." The girl started laughing and so did I a little.
"Laura!" The detective called.
"Oh ya sorry, "she then started laughing harder, I didn't understand why until I looked back at my dad playing with a mug, and that's when it hit the floor and shattered.
The detective gave my father a cold stare. He then rushed off to the bathroom as she tried to clean up the porcelain cup.
"Detective Beckett, I am so sorry for my fathers behavior. He's been acting a little childish ever since he finished the Derik storm series." My sister said while trying to help the cop clean up. The girls eyes widened. "Wait you mean your dad is the Richard Castle, the world famous author Richard Castle." Oh no it's another annoying fan girl. "Yep that would be him." I said while gritting my teeth. "Why are you a fan or something?" I questioned. And evil smile grew across her face.
"What's up with all the evil smiles?" I thought to myself.
"Actually, my mo-" before she could finish detective Beckett cut in.
"Laura could you grab a the trash can in the break room for the glass?"
She nodded her head and left.

So that was her name! Laura! Wait she is the girl in my English class who is always so quiet and gets bullied all the time. The only reason I remember her is because she is known for getting into arguments with hunter a lot.

She then came back with a trash can and set it down next to the detective.
"Thanks sweetie."
Sweetie? Oh, I get it now, this must be detective Beckett's daughter. Well that explains a lot.
Laura walked over to me and held out her hand.
"Hey, as you already know by now, I'm Laura. I met your sister at the coffee shop and she told me you were missing, so when I saw my mom bring you in I called her." She had a nice smile, and pretty brunette hair with ombré hi lights that we're starting to mix in with her natural hair color, and she had brown eyes that reminded me of chocolate.

I shook her hand. "Hey I'm Ross, and thank you so much for calling Alexis. If it wasn't for you I would be in holding with Jeb the child mulester." She started to giggle at what I said but I shook it off.
"Anytime, it was no problem. Besides if it wasn't for me calling Alexis I would probably be making fun of Kevin and taunting him with cake but then my mom would ground me." She started to laugh and I stood there confused, she finally realized I had no idea what she meant so she tried to explain.
"Oh well you see Kevin is on a cleanse diet before his wedding next week, don't ask me why because I don't understand it, but anyway this means he can't eat or drink anything at all except for this lime water stuff. So for the past few days me snd javi have been trying to get him to crack and he finally did! He started attacking javi over a donut!" We both started laughing at the same time, so hard I think the two of us were about to cry. Then all of a sudden an detective whearing a blue vest and jacket came up to us, he looked a little Irish to.
"Hey guys what's so funny?"
Laura then stopped laughing instantly, and she elbowed me in the side so I would stop. She then whispered to me when he wasn't looking. "Go along with what I say." She then cleared her throat.
"Um nothing uncle Kevin, it's just Ross here was telling me about how he has a triple layer chocolate cake at his apartment, and he was just asking if i wanted him to bring me and javi, cap, and my mom a piece tomorrow. And I was just telling him how maybe he should bring the whole cake for the homicide team. What do you think Kevin?"  It was so funny to see the detective hold back from saying yes, but finally he stormed off to the break room while cussing out his diet under his breath. Me and Laura then both started laughing until our sides hurt. "You are a pro at this Laura." I complimented her. She gave me a smile and said "thanks".
"Ross it's time to go." My sister called.
"Well guess you better go." She waved at me and started to walk off until I hurried and caught up with her.
"Hey Laura, do you maybe wanna hang out sometime? I mean who knows, you might actually get some chocolate cake!" She laughed, then pulled out her phone and handed it to me.
"Ok sure! You put in your number, and I'll put in mine." I took a minute to look at her phone, what year is this girl living in!! A flip phone! Really! Well I know what's at the top of my to-do list!
I pulled out my iPhone and unlocked it and gave it to her. She then put in her number and took a quick selfie for her photo, and I did the same with her phone.
"Call me later?" She asked
"Sure thing!" I said then headed out with my sister.

Hey, I guess I finally have a friend.

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