The box

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Beckett's POV

I walked over to the interrogation room and opened the door and saw a man in his mid thirties with tan skin and black hair.
"Mr. Dallen do you know why detective Esposito brought you in?" I was seeing if he would leak any information but instead he sat there and stared at my chest. I rolled my eyes, I get a guy like this every once in awhile, they decided it will go faster if they stare at my boobs.
"Mr. Dallen, detective Esposito found you trying to break into Mr. Phillips apartment, what were you doing there?" He smirked then relaxed back into the chair. "Well maybe I could answer some of your question some where more private, like maybe your bed room." He sent me a grin. I laughed. Then slapped my hands onto the metal table. "Cut the crap, now I want to know what you were doing in our Vic's apartment." I sat down and placed a picture of the Vic's body on the table. When he Saw the picture he frowned his eyebrows. "Wait, Danny's dead! That's impossible I just saw him yesterday!" He seemed surprised but I wasn't sure if he was telling the truth just yet. "Are you going to tell me what you were doing in his apartment now?" He sat up straight and let out a breath. "I was there to collect my payment."
I looked in his eyes so I could tell if he was lying or not. "Payment for what? Drugs? Because our ME found traces of heroine in his blood stream." He shook his head. "Danny, do drugs," he laughed. "I'm sorry but if that's the case you got the wrong body in your lab, Danny would never touch that shit a day in his life, he hated what it would do to kids." I pulled out a picture of the syringe mark on his arm and placed it on the table. "Our medical examiner found a syringe mark on his arm, but we think it may have been put there for show witch you just confirmed. But if he wasn't paying you for drugs, what was he paying you for?" He put his hands on the table. "He was paying me to steal some file at the juvi in Brooklyn." I frowned my eyebrows. "Who's file did he want you to steal." He shook his head. "That's the thing I thought was strange, he wouldn't tell me her name, he only told me it was a girl who was 19 and her case number was 4436."

"Did he say why he wanted it?"

"No but he was acting like it was very important, he was rushing me to get it fast and I don't know why."

"We're you able to steal the file?"
He remained quiet. "Look all I want to know is if you got the file, now are you going to tell me or do you wanna spend a night in holding."

"Ya I got the file, but I gave it to him, that's why I was at his apartment! He said he needed a day to get the cash together so I told him I would come back today, but when I got there and he didn't answer I broke in to find the money but that's when your goons arrested me."
I sat back in my chair.
"Do you think you know where the file is?"

"Ya, it's probably in his safe in his bed room."

"Thank you." I said then I exited the box and walked into the room on the other side of the mirror.

"Ryan how about you call the juvi center in Brooklyn to see if they have any files missing. And espo you call the bookstore and see if any of Daniels friends knew about this." They nodded there heads and walked out.

"So do you think he murdered him?" I rolled my eyes at castle.
"Most likely he's not our guy, I think he was telling the truth in there."

"Do they always act like that?" He looked at me.
"Act like what?" I frowned my eyebrows.
"Like scumbags." I rolled my eyes again.
"When your on the job as long as I have been you get used to men asking to sleep with you or looking at your chest."
"I find I't disgusting."

I walked out of the room and over to my desk. I picked up my car keys and my jacket and put it on.
"Where are we going?" Castle asked.
"Remember him saying there was a safe in the Vic's bedroom, well no one found it when they searched his apartment so I'm going to go see if I can find it. Now you have to go fill out some paper work." I started walking to the elevator but castle came up beside me. "I already finished, looks like your stuck with me detective." We got into the elevator and I sighed. "Just don't get in my way okay."
This was a nightmare!! On the way to the Vic's apartment all castle would talk about is why he was killing off Derik storm. At first I wanted to hear but now he won't shut up!! And when ever I would try and speak he would act like I wasn't even there and keep talking. We finally got to the apartment and I parked then we both got out of the car. Castle followed me up to his apartment. "This place is kinda sketchy, the building looks all run down. I wonder how much it cost to live here?" I groaned. "Would you please just shut up for a minute so I could open this door." He remained quiet so I proceeded to unlock and open the door. When we got in I headed straight back to the Vic's bedroom and started looking for the safe. "Mighty eager to get to the bedroom I see detective." A smirk was plastered onto castle's face. I rolled my eyes. "The sooner we find that safe, the sooner I have that file witch means I will be one step closer to solving the case witch means I can go home and spend time with my daughter. Now start looking." The next thing I new I heard a click. I looked on the other side of the room to see castle holding a file with the number 4436 on it, and next to castle was an open safe witch was being covered by a painting. "Guess that means I'm closer to spending time with my son, we should bet on this next time." He had a wide smirk on his face. "Shut up." I grabbed the folder out of his hand and opened it. Inside of the file was a picture of a 19 year old girl with dark brown curly hair with pale white skin and brown eyes. I flipped the page to see a name.
Vanessa Marano
Hey everyone!!!

So I decided to put Vanessa in here because I've been watching a lot of switched at birth recently.

Now anyway I would just like to remind all castle and true stana fans to keep using the hashtag #cancelcastle & #nomorecastle
We need the show to end as a series finale and not a season finale!! They will be deciding to end the show or not by May 13th. There is no castle without Beckett!! (If you have no idea what I am talking about message me and I will explain)

Now please let me just rant here for a moment, castle has been a part of my like for 7 years now, and stana is like my mom! I have horrible problems with both my parents, I don't really feel loved by ether one and I'm always getting yelled at and being called a spoiled little brat. But I used to watch castle on Monday night and be like,"look there's my mom and dad catching killers" well now I'm heart broken because I don't consider Nathan my dad anymore. But Stana will always be my mom and I will never leave her side. And I know some of you are wondering if I will watch season 9, well the answer is NO. I will keep writing caskett fanfics but I will no longer consider myself a castle fan if castle gets a ninth season.

Please watch the video at the top!! It's amazing!! Stana would be proud!!! And subscribe to TVcastlealways on YouTube, and follow them on Twitter and Instagram.

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Bye guys!!

~charity 🖋🔫😢~

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