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Hey everyone 

I think you guys who were reading this could see this coming for a while now....

I'm putting 'Always' on hold.

I really didn't want to do this but I have no ideas and it's probably because both of the ships are dead and so are the fandoms

When I started writing this back last year they had just announced Stana (Kate Beckett) had been fired or as they put it  "let go" and I was trying to hold onto one of my very first fandoms by creating this fic and mixing it with raura witch I'll get to in a sec.

Anyway when us fans got the show canceled I thought that it wouldn't be that hard to keep writing caskett fanfics, I would just watch the show every week with my DVDS and read some Nikki heat, and keep up with the castle fandom on Instagram.

Well none of that happened.....
I made it through half of the first season but then I got bored (give me a break I've seen the whole series except for the last 3 season about 5 times now) and it always made me sad so I stopped watching. Then I finished the first Nikki heat book and it was okay I guess but I wasn't a big fan.

And finally, everyone on Instagram kinda eventually left, and I even stopped looking at stanas Instagram because it always made me sad.

But the real reason I don't have the motivation to write this anymore is how Nathan (Richard castle) was treating Stana on set. I know a lot of people will say that the whole yelling at her thing was a rumor but it makes sense, especially since they didn't seem to get along well as other co actors on shows I know *cough* colifer *cough*

And then there's the raura thing 😑

Let me start off bye saying I will always want Laura and Ross to be together but I have expected that it will never happen.

Let's face it people, the fandom is dead, it's been dead since last year when Austin and ally ended!

Don't get me wrong I had a little hope when I saw what Ross, Vanessa and calum did for Laura's 21st birthday but I bet that wasn't even there idea.

And they never see each other anymore! Laura's busy with radio Disney and her album plus she's supposed to start filming saving zoey sometime this year so she doesn't have the time to even think about a love life right now (unless Andrew is real witch I'm not really that sure about, or there just friends)

And Ross, I'm sorry,I love him but, he's been a bit of a headache every now and then. Like his birthday, was he seriously drunk in a shower with Courtney, and he decides to post in on twitter! And I'm going to try my best not to say anything about Courtney cause I half way like her. But she is WAY to clingy, like seriously, your going to post something on snapchat saying 'wifey time' HES FREAKING 21!! 😑😑😑😑 she has some dang issues (I'm just not even going to bring up Coachella case I will have a melt down and I'm sick so it would be 100 times worse)

So I kinda started this fic in hope I could hold onto 2, of my favorite ships but as you can see it didn't turn out so well.

And another factor is I've been REALLY busy, I haven't even had time to write a chapter of a fic that I really love because of family and friend crap 😑😑take my advice and don't stay friends with a girl who will face time someone else while you're at there house without asking if you mind, there probably a bitch

Again guys I'm really sorry, this will most likely be permanent.

Sorry for letting you guys down again

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