Red headed

437 18 2

Laura's POV
16 years later

I picked up my backpack off the floor and headed out the door to my locker when the bell rang. When I opened my locker I put away a few books then took out my binder and put it in my bag. I then shut my locker and headed to the front door of the building. Right when I was about to exit, I was tripped by someone and I fell to the ground. I looked up to see a guy with half died hair and the other part blonde.
I got up, off the ground only to see a fist being thrown to my eye, but luckily I caught it in time.
"Hunter what have I told you about bullying me? My moms a cop so I know a thing or two." I then twisted his arm and I heard him groan in pain.
"Ok,ok, just let go of me and I'll leave you alone."
I thought it was a good offer, so I released his hand. He stepped back then started laughing and I rolled my eyes.
"Poor, poor, Laura. One day I hope you wake up and realize how ugly and stupid you are that you decide to kill yourself, at least that way your mom would be distracted from putting me in jail all the time."
I rolled my eyes once more and headed out the door.
If your wondering what he meant, well it's simple, hunter is the drug junky at my school and my mom has picked him up a couple times because he likes to get high around crime scenes. Gross am I right!
Well anyway my name is Laura Beckett and I am 17 in a couple weeks, and my mom is a homicide detective for the NYPD. It's just been me and her ever since I can remember, my mom doesn't like to talk about my dad but she did say once that he didn't care about her or me at all, he just left her before I was even born.
I walked to the star bucks across from my school and picked up a coffee for me and a few people at the precinct. As I waited for my order I saw a red head come up behind me. She had to be at least 20 or 21. She then tapped on my shoulder and I turned around and met her eyes.
"Hey, I'm sorry to bother you but have you seen a blonde guy with hazel eyes walk in here, he's probably a little taller than me?"
When I heard her say blonde I instantly thought of hunter.
"Um no I don't think so, I was paying attention to my phone." I lied. But he wasn't here anyway. She sighed then pulled up a picture on her phone and showed it to me.
"Are you sure you haven't seen him? He was supposed to meet me here right after school ended."
I looked at the picture and knew she wasn't talking about hunter, she was talking about the guy in my English class. He most of the time just pays attention to his work, but every now and then he will cuss someone out or get in a fight. I think his name was castle.
I thought for a moment then shook my head."no sorry, I haven't seen him in here." She then took out a piece of paper and wrote something on it.
"No it's alright, but if you see him could you please call this number. Ow and my name is Alexis by the way."
She then put her hand out for me to shake it and I did.
"Nice to meet you Alexis, I'm laura. But I'll be sure to call you if I see him." I lied again. I probably wasn't going to call her if I saw him or not. I mean who is she? Is she an obsessed girlfriend who freaks out when her boyfriend is a little late? Who knows? She could even be a murderer.
"Beckett" an employee called my order.
"Well that's me I better go." She nodded her head and I left to get my order. I then walked out of the coffee shop and started walking to my moms precinct and my second home. When I got there I got in the elevator and went up to the fifth floor. When I got there I headed over to my moms desk and saw uncle javi and uncle Kevin fighting over what looks like a donut.
"Uncle Kevin uncle javi what is going on here?" When they both realized what I had just saw they froze. After about a minute uncle Kevin decided to get off of javi's back.
"Um well you see, Esposito here was flaunting that donut, and I guess being on that cleanse diet I lost control."
I laughed then went over to javi and handed him a coffee.
"What else has he done, did he get on my mom for eating a bear claw." Javi started to laugh with me.
"Why do you guys always gang up on me, is it because I'm Irish?"
Me and javi looked at each other for a minute before looking back at Kevin and both said "no" in unison then we started laughing again.
"Ok you guys are so rude, I don't know why I hang around you guys."
I then left javi's side and went and sat by Kevin. "You hang around us because you can't imagine a life without us." I then put on my puppy dog eyes.
"Oh I give up." Kevin said before walking to the break room. I started to laugh again then finally calmed down and stopped. I then heard something creep up behind me. And before they could do anything I grabbed a coffee and turned around. "Hey cap Montgomery." He then took the coffee from me and gave me a side hug. "Damn your good, that's the third time this week." He took a sip of his coffee then headed to his office.

"So javi, where's my mom? I brought her coffee to, and if I don't see her soon I'm very tempted to drink it." He turned around from his desk. "She was at a crime scene again today and found a kid your age with drugs so she is bringing him in now." I let out a sigh. "When will that guy ever stop? I mean don't you think being arrested 3 times is enough?" I took another sip from my coffee.
"It's a different kid this time Laura." I looked over to see my mom bringing a guy to holding, and that's when I got a good look at him.

"I told you! Those are not my drugs! I've never done drugs a day in my life."
He kept shouting.
"That's what they all say." My mom gave him to another officer then came over to me and gave me a hug.
"Hey Laura, how was school?" She picked up her now cold coffee and sat down at her desk.
"Mom, what's that guys name you just brought to holding."
She gave me a confused look.
"His name is Ross Castle, why do you know him?" I turned around and pulled out my flip phone and a crumpled up sheet of paper and dialed the number. After the third ring a voice came on the other line.
"Hello, who is this?" The girl asked.

"Hey Alexis it's Laura, you know we met at the coffee shop, well I think I found the guy you were looking for."

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