Embarrassing videos

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Ross' POV

After I bought Laura the phone and we set it up we got to know each other a little better. I found out that she was an only child and her father abandoned her and her mother before she was even born. Her grandmother is dead and her grandfather is a lawyer. And now she is obsessed with musical.ly and snapchat. We are now just goofing around and posting stuff on social media.
"Oh ok let's make one more musical.ly then I promise I will turn off the phone." I laughed then shrugged. "Ok fine." She scrolled through the top songs and picked 'hide away' by daya.
We started the musical.ly and she started the hand motions and when it got to the good boy part she pointed to me. I decided to get her a little mad and I started acting goofy, she then started laughing and she ended the video and posted it. "Ok I am turning off the phone so what do you wanna do?" She asked while turning off the phone. I thought for a moment then shook my head. "I really don't know." She got up from the couch we were sitting on to grab her bag, she then came back and pulled out two chocolate bars from her bag and handed me one. "Well you know about me so how about you tell me about you." I took a bite out of the chocolate bar then sat back.

"Well my mother died right after I was born, the pregnancy was just to much for her, but my dad told me how much of an amazing person she was. I kinda cuss to much, my favorite color is yellow, my favorite ice cream is chocolate chip cookie dough, and I can play the guitar."
She nodded her head telling me she was paying attention. I then got up from the couch and picked up my bag and started looking through it.

"What are you looking for?" She asked while furrowing her eyebrows. "I was just checking if my laptop was in here but I guess not, you wanna go up to my room it might be there?" She shrugged her shoulders then stood up and said "sure". We then headed upstairs to my room. When I opened the door and walked in I looked behind me to see Laura's eyes had widened. "Wow your room is awesome!" My room is full of electronics and I have a few guitars and a keyboard. She walked over to my old laptop witch I had locked my self out of because I forgot the password. "Cool computer." She started to type something in.

"Well I kinda locked my self out of-" before I could even finish the sentence she had the home page open on my laptop. "Wow how did you do that!!! I've been trying to get in that for the last few months!" She turned around in the chair and looked at me. "Well the 12th precinct lost its computer tec a few years back  so I took over and I've learned a thing or two through the years so I'm a hacker." I widened my eyes. This girl who I assumed to be a sweet innocent person is a hacker!!! What's next?

"Ok let's see how good you are, can you hack into hunters email if I gave you the email address?" She nodded her head.
"I could also most likely be able to hack into his social medias and maybe find out who supplies his drugs." I pulled out a piece of paper from my pocket and handed it to her. She pulled up a internet browser and did her thing. After a couple of minutes she moved out of the way from the laptop so I could see and started laughing. I looked at the screen and saw a video of hunter in his underwear playing a recorder through his nose, you know like the ones they made you play in third and fourth grade. I then started laughing along with Laura. This kid looks so stupid!!
Laura calmed down a bit. "Hey Ross if you want I could post this on the schools website and no one would be able to track it back to you or your computer." Her evil grin grew and so did mine. "Not only that. Let's send this to everyone in the school! Can you do that?" She looked at me trying to act offended.

"Ross I am a pro at this! If I wanted to I could send this video to everyone in Manhattan, now step back and let me work my magic." I sat on my bed and after a few minutes my phone buzzed. I looked at it and saw that I had got the video. "Good work Laura! Let's just hope the rest of the school got it." Laura nodded her head then shut down the laptop and came over and sat by me. "So... You wanna make more musical.lys." She asked with puppy dog eyes. I chuckled. "Ok fine laur one more." She stopped what she was doing and looked at me. "Laur?" I nodded my head. "I think it suits you." She nodded then pulled out her phone.
Here we go again.

Hello everyone!!

So I know this chapter is kinda bad but my iPod is broken so it will be awhile till I am posting chapters regularly again.

But thank you all for your sweet comments!!! I'm so glad that you guys like this story!!

Please check out my other books! I have both Raura and castle fanfics that I think you guys will like!!

And if you guys can get this chapter to either 10 likes or 5 comments before next week I will try to update early.

Like, comment, follow!!!


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