Chapter 3

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*Harley J's POV*

Snuggling with momma had made me fall asleep, sadly when I woke up she was gone as usual, but I was more than used to it so I wasn't too sad. No matter how busy Momma is she always makes sure to make me peanut butter and banana sandwiches for when I wake up. Sometimes she lets me help her make them before she has to go. I snacked on a sandwich and split another between Bud and Lou. I giggled at the funny faces they made from the peanut butter.

After sandwiches were eaten I turned on the little t.v. set my momma had brought me for my birthday on and watched the cartoons I usually watched on the WB.


I had followed Quinn to a decaying apartment building that was located a few blocks west of Joker's self proclaimed 'Ha-Ha-Hacienda' thinking maybe she would maybe have a clue as to what Jokers possible involvement in Protocol 10 hidden away somewhere. No way was I going to take what Joker said about it at face value. But what I had found was something I had never thought possible. It was Harley holding a little girl.. 3-4 years of age judging by the size of her. I crouched silently on the fire escape and adjusted my cowls audio to pick up what was being said inside.

"Now sweetie I know you're sad about your Daddy being so sick but momma has a..friend of hers getting daddy a cure! I'm not going to lie Harley J.. Momma is worried but so long as your safe and okay I know everything is going to be okay!" Harley said gently brushing the tears of...Harley J's face. The little girl giggled as one of Jokers hyenas licked her face clean. Harley sat cuddled her for about ten more minutes before Harley J fell asleep. Harley tucked her into a princess looking daybed and walked into the kitchen. She dug through a pretty well stocked cupboard of food and quickly made a few sandwiches cut them all in half then set them on a little table next to the bed. The hyenas had settled up on the bed with the girl as Harley looked sadly at the display and left the apartment. I climbed up to the roof of the building and called Alfred.


"Uh, yes Master Bruce. Is something wrong?"
"Harley and Joker.. Have a child."
"Oh my?! Is it their child or they have abducted a child?"
"Judging by what I saw, she seems to be Harley's biological daughter."
"But, sir, Joker would never have the patience to care for a child?"
"Alfred. I don't believe Joker is aware of this child at all."
"What do you mean?"
"She's keeping her daughter, named Harley J. as it seems, in an apartment building just three blocks away from Jokers hideout."
"....well I suppose I'll update Harley and Jokers files here in the bat-cave and start a file on Harley J. Is there anything else I can do for you Master Bruce?"
"Not at this time, Alfred." I said before hanging up. I called and talked to Oracle as well telling her what I had found and about Joker pointing at Friez. I calibrated the Cowl to detect temperatures and made my way to the coldest point in Gotham.

Harleen Quinzel the 2nd.. (The Daughter of Harley and Joker)Where stories live. Discover now