Chapter 19

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*Alfred's P.O.V.*

I was sitting with Jeremy as he was coloring at the table when my cell phone started ringing. I walked to the kitchen before answering.

"Alfred Pennyworth speaking, how may I help you?" I spoke hesitantly.

"Alfred, its Jim Gordon.. I..well there is a little girl here who gave me your card to call. She aaid her name is-"

"Suzy?! Is she alright?" I pulled the phone closer as he explained very briefly what had happened. I should have known. That woman.

"Alfred, would you be willing to come down here and take her for a while? In the mean time I'll contact a friend of mine in child services to find her family. She must have someone." He asked calmly but well sadly. Jim had a good heart especially when it came to children. I could still remember his heartbroken face when a younger master Bruce was in his care.

"Of course. I shall be there post haste."   I hung up the phone and went over to Jeremy.

"Jeremy, we must hurry. We have a new friend coming to stay. But she will mostly stay in my apartment but we must help her. Shall we go?" Jeremy's eyes grew wide but he nodded while Alfred helped him into his coat. Then we hurried out to the car.

In about twenty minutes we were parked near the GCPD building. We hastely made our way inside and were ushered into the Commissioners office. Jeremy was staring out the window of the office watching the other officers in the building do there work or rushing about.

"They'll be here in just a moment sir. He went to get the kid something to eat." I nodded as were left alone.

"Say, uncle Al.. Who are we picking up? Is she like Harley J. and me?" I smiled at that.

"Well, Jeremy..  Her name is Suzy. And she needs our help. Just like you needed our help. She has been through quite a lot of rather bad things already and the policemen here think we would be the best people to make sure she feels safe. Do you think we can?" Jeremy nodded fervently and had a rather serious look after that. Then he paused a moment before looking up at me again.

"Is Batman going to help her too, like he did me? Is he going to put her bad people away?" He whispered fiddling with the zipper of his coat.

"I'm more than certain that Batman will do whats right and do his very best to do so." I answered as Jim walked in holding the small hand of a red haired little girl. She spied Jeremy and hid behind the Commissioner. Jeremy got up slowly and walked over by her but maintained a good few feet away.

"Hi, my name is Jeremy. My uncle Al says you need to be protected. So I'm going to do my best to make sure you stay safe with us okay?" He dictated with a kind smile spread across his face and his hand stuck straight out. She smiled and tentatively stepped out from behind Jim and shook Jeremy's hand.

"My name is Suzy. And okay. I believe in you, Jeremy." She smiled and walked over to me. She hugged me tightly with watery eyes.

"You came! You said you would help me and now you are! Thank you so much!" She cried into my shoulder and I patted her head to comfort her.

"Uncle Al. We need to get her new clothes. Shes in a hospital gown. If she goes outside she'll be cold." Jeremy said while pulling off his coat and holding it out to her. She smiled and pulled on his dark blue coat over her hospital gown before hugging Jeremy as well. Jim turned away to wipe his eyes and cleared his throat.

"I' you later Alfred when we find out more." He made his way over to Jeremy and scrunched down.

"Son, I'm leaving her in your care. Take good care of her okay?" Jeremy nodded solemnly and saluted the commissioner before opening the door to the office and offering his arm to escort Suzy out. She took it and they marched away smiling. Alfred smiled after them before bidding farewell to Jim and following suit.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 13, 2017 ⏰

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