Chapter 10

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*Louis' P.O.V*

Over the next few weeks I worked as many night shifts as I could, I needed to know more about Suzy. I couldn't ask her, she was as curious and confused as I was.
I managed to strike gold when I was asked to clean the lab after one of Suzy's 'appointments'. I hated the thought of letting the experiments continue, but I was in no position to be able to stop them. I had only been working for L.C. for a few months now. I was hired for my Masters in Advanced Biochemical Engineering, but computers were my passion. I was able to hack into the computers the Scientist, Dr. Cobbrin, had been outing the notes and recordings of Suzy in, and what I found.. horrified me. Suzy had been experimented on since she was roughly a month old. The files were coded but from what I could tell Suzy was the daughter of some powerful meta humans. Nothing was stated on who they were however as that was encrypted. The notes mentioned Suzy had been put up for adoption and immediately adopted after birth. Her adopted father was the one who brought her in and gave her to the company for-
I heard voices outside the lab and quickly cleaned up the evidence of my hacking and shut down the computers. I finished cleaning the lab, planning on finding out more as soon as I could.
I didn't know what I should do with the little information I had been able to gather, I wanted to go to the police but I wasn't sure what would happen to Suzy if I did. I needed more. I went and checked in on Suzy before I had to head home, she was sleeping soundly with the new little bed I had been able to convince the higher up she needed. I was heading out of her cell when I noticed her shoulder had strange markings on it. I pulled out a little pen light and noticed the letters 'L.L.' on her shoulder, it looked old. It was black like a tattoo. My eyes grew wide when it hit me. The company had branded her, like you would any other piece of equipment in the company. The if it was the company who did it would have to have been L.C. instead for Lex Corp.. I made a mental note to put this on the list of things needing more information. For now I left and headed home.

😎 more to come soon.

Harleen Quinzel the 2nd.. (The Daughter of Harley and Joker)Where stories live. Discover now