Chapter 7

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(Sorry for the delay my computer is crapping out so I've got to write out all my notes on paper and it's been a long process)

*third person narrative*
Harley J., Jeremy, and Alfred are sitting in the apartment with the tv going in the background as the kids work on homework. Alfred goes to the kitchen and works on dinner while talking to Bruce on the phone. Suddenly, he hears squealing from the living room, and pokes his head into the room. The kids are sitting in front of the tv, homework lay forgotten, volume up high.

"We repeat, BREAKING NEWS: There has been a break out of Arkham Asylum, and judging by the scene we see here, it's very clear Harley Quinn, is the culprit. We will bring more to this story as it develops. What Harley has in store for Gotham we can only guess for now. Back to you Vicky."

*Harley J*
I was so happy to here mommy was out of jail that I jumped up onto my bed and started bouncing and giggling. Jeremy got up and jumped with me. Alfred smiled and said, "Must I remind you both that a young lady and a young sir should not jump on the furniture like monkeys?" Jeremy made monkey noises and Alfred started laughing. "Well anyway, dinner is served." He brought out apple juice and homemade hamburgers and salad. We jumped off the bed and raced to the table that Alfred had bought for us a while ago and we ate our yummy food.

*Third Person P.O.V.*
Harley J. and Jeremy finished dinner quickly and enjoyed a lovely banana cream pie. Tummies now full they fell asleep both with huge smile plastered on their faces.

Short chapter, I know, it's sucks but I'll be updating much more often now that I got a new computer so yay! Hope you continue to enjoy!

Harleen Quinzel the 2nd.. (The Daughter of Harley and Joker)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt