Chapter 4

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Harley J POV

I sat up and looked at the window and saw the sun shining bright. I rubbed the ickies out of my eyes and stretched back enough I fell backwards. Luckily Lou was up against my back. I giggled as he licked my hair. I got up again and walked over to the mini fridge next to my princess bed and pulled out my apple juice. I was happily sipping away watching the Animaniacs when I heard people talking outside my door. I wasn't supposed to open it but I did any way and peeked out. The nice man who gave mommy my room was talking to an old man. He looked...different than most people who lived near me. He has on black pants and white shirt, but it was the way held himself that made him seem...fancy. He had grey hair with a few black streaks that was neatly combed. The nice man who mommy knows handed the fancy man a couple keys and shook his hand with a happy face. He scurried off and as the fancy man was turning to open his new door he spotted me and gave me a big kind smile. I shyly smiled back and gave him a wave of my little hand. He slowly walked over and knelt down to my eye level. He stuck his hand out to me and with a big smile he said in a funny accent, "Hello there, little one, my name is Alfred. It's a pleasure to meet you. What's your name, little one?"
I looked down and scratched my head. "Mommy said I shouldn't talk to someone I don't know."

"Your Mummy is very smart. But I've told you who I am. You're the stranger to me now." He said with a soft chuckle. I nodded solemnly before wiping my fingers on my knees to make sure they weren't to sticky and mimicked his gesture by grabbing his.

"My name is Harleen Jacqueline Quinzel. I'm three and a half. Oh but you can call my Harley J. like mommy and aunt Pammy does" I said giggling feeling like a big kid. I heard Buddy and Louey whining at something so I turned away from the door leaving it open and ran over patting their heads. They were whining at the TV. I looked at it curiously but almost instantly regretted it. Mommy was on TV. I turned up the sound like mommy taught me and sat down.

"Ladies and gentleman is with feelings with joy we bring you a repeat of last nights news. The infamous Clown Prince of Crime, The Joker is confirmed dead. He was last seen being held in Gotham's very own Hero's arms. Harley Quinn was spotted nearby  crying and screaming. We have a clip."
The screen showed Batman holding daddy in his arms. Though daddy was smiling he wasn't moving. Mommy was crying and screaming at Batman. I started crying and didn't stop. Alfred had come in and was patting my back trying to calm me down. When I heard mommy scream on TV 'red get the roses'. With tears in my eyes I got up and grabbed my carebear rolly suitcase and started grabbing my clothes from my dresser. I was getting frustrated trying to make them fit it when Alfred gently asked if I'd like him to help me pack. I nodded and laid down on my bed covering my face crying harder. Buddy whimpered and jumped up on the bed cuddling me while Louey paced around.

-Alfred's POV-
"Miss J. why are you so upset may I ask? And why are we packing your clothes." I asked playing dumb as I finished neatly packing the suitcase. She sat up and looked at me with the biggest green eyes I'd ever seen, tears still pouring down her face.

"My daddy is dead and I never got to meet him. I never got to have him pat my head or fix my owies or make me sammiches. Or hear him say he loves me....," she sucked in a big breath before answering my next question, "mommy sayed her secret words that means Aunt Pammy Ivy needs to come get me and take care of me while she goes away for a while." She said pointing at the TV which showed Harley Quinn getting arrested. I got up and switched off the TV not wanting her to get more upset.

"Miss J I'm so sorry about your loss. Is there anything I can do to ease your pain. Something to eat or some more juice perhaps?" I said feeling guilty about not catching the TV in time. She nodded and I let myself into the little kitchen area. I took note of what was in the cupboards and refrigerator.

"Miss J would you like a toasted ham and cheese sandwich?" When she nodded I switched on the little electric stove and prepared the sandwich. I poured her some grape juice in a pink and blue sippy cup and set them on the little nighstand next to the bed and tossed a few prices of ham at the hyenas. As I was putting the supplies away my phone rang.

"Alfred? Where are you?" Master Bruce asked slightly panicked. I walked out into the hall noting that Miss J was eating rather slowly. As I closed the door I continued the conversation.

"I'm fine, Master Bruce, I took it upon myself to see for myself Harley Quinn's daughter. She's quite smart and kind. Very upset though at the moment." I said in a bit of a chastising tone before catching myself.

"She is? Why?"

"Channel 11 is showing the story from last night. Apparently she's never met her father and understands now she never will. She also understands Harley has been arrested. Also Pamela Isley is her aunt. Who could be here at any time to take miss J away."

"So Ivy is involved? Makes sense, her and Harley seem to be friends and with Joker not in the parent role she would need help."

Miss J poked her head out into the hall and looked like she was going to say something when she spotted I was on the phone, she put her hand over her mouth and stayed silent.

"It's quite alright Miss J. I am merely talking to my-- er nephew. I can come back in in just a tick if you'd like." She nodded and closed the door.

"Your getting attached Alfred." Master Bruce said in a confused tone.

"She has no one but Ivy now, sir. I would like to be available to her if I can. She's rather quite lonely. Not unlike a certain young man I know. I'm not a fool master Bruce, I  won't let on who I am truly but she needs someone here for her when Ivy gets up to trouble. Food, clothes, education.. A child in her situation is likely to turn to crime herself as soon as she is able to survive. Gotham has enough troubled orphans." I was going to continue when Bruce laughed.

"Sounds like you've already made up your mind. Alright. I'm having Oracle set up a trust fund for her in her name so if she needs anything she will be well covered."

"You such a softie, Master Bruce. Thank you, sir." With that he hung up and I went back inside to check on Miss J. She was trying to change the TV channel to something else but her hand was over her eyes and the volume was off. I chuckled and helped her find cartoons and took her plate and cup to the kitchen. I refilled the juice and washed the plate and put it back in the cupboard. I tidied the kitchen and brought out her juice. She was fast asleep on the floor. I picked her up and placed her in her bed tucking her in. The hyenas jumped up and cuddled her. I left her juice on her nightstand, turned off the TV and places tiny 'bugs' all over the apartment. I then took my leave.

Harleen Quinzel the 2nd.. (The Daughter of Harley and Joker)Where stories live. Discover now