Chapter 8

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~Third Person P.O.V~

"Wake up! It's time to continue, SUZ-3." One of the assistants to the Scientist said. She crouched down to roughly stand up a small red haired girl. The small girl, stood up unsteadily. She rubbed her eyes and followed the woman down the corridor. Other adults were walking about with other tasks and experiments to get to. As usual when she was escorted, they would avert their eyes. They didn't like seeing the too thin girl with large bruises and scars and missing patches of hair, it made them uneasy. Perhaps it made them realize that, just maybe, the organization they worked for weren't as good as they led themselves to be.

SUZ-3 walked shakily down the corridor keeping her eyes to the floor. She had long since given up any kind of hope that someone could save her. She was only maybe five years old but already so without hope. She heard a thud followed by a fluttering sound, she looked up and saw someone new, a man who looked younger than most of the adults she usually saw, with red hair like hers. He was staring at her, sadly, with his mouth open. Ms. Danicka, the woman escorting her, started yelling at the man calling him useless and to get himself together. He gathered up his papers and hurried passed them, but just for a second giving her one last sad look. Ms. Danicka grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the main lab.

"Put her in the testing chamber. Its time to test her powers. We can see if they've developed enough to be useful. I don't understand why he wants us to continue this when it is obviously a failure." Mr. Cobbrin, the Scientist, said pinching the bridge of his nose. Once SUZ-3 was in the place they began the simulation. Monsters, that looked like tigers and dire wolves only three to five times their regular size. SUZ-3 started crying and trying to shield herself from the monsters.

"Come now, you stupid brat, you know what you must do! Defend yourself!" He hit a switch and heightened the power. SUZ-3 screamed as a tiger-based creature slashed her. Her eyes began to glow and rose up into the air. She pointed at the tiger monster and threw it around the chamber telekinetic-ally, before throwing at the other monsters. She began spinning like a top, faster and faster before throwing out her arms and creating a telekinetic blender. The chamber within an instant was filled with blood and pieces of animals all over the walls. Mr. Cobbrin grinned and nodded at Ms. Danicka quickly typed into the computer the results of today's experiments. Mr. Cobbrin hit a button on his control panel and the simulation ended. The blood and gore disappeared as it was nothing but pixels. SUZ-3 was collapsed on the ground. Tears pouring out of her eyes, though she was unconscious.

"We have this all on the recording as well, correct?" Mr. Cobbrin questioned Ms. Danicka as she finished typing. She nodded.

"Shall I have her sent back to her cell, sir?" She asked pushing her glasses up. He simply waved his hand at her as he watched and rewatched the video from inside the chamber. Ms. Danicka sent out a call to the new guy. Within a minute or so, he quickly walked into the room and awaited his orders.

"Take the girl back to her cell. Bring her some food and whatnot. Make sure she eats." She told him without emotion and went back to going over the data with the Scientist.

~****'s P.O.V~

The new assistant walked over to the chamber and picked up the little girl carefully. He was saddened over how light she was. He made his was back to her cell and placed her gently on her small mat on the ground. He looked around the room and noticed it was maybe a six foot by six foot by eleven foot cell. Nothing but bright white walls with a small window near the top of the back wall was the only light source for the tiny room. He shook his head, and sat on the ground inside her cell. She didn't have blankets, pillows, or any sense of stimulation for her at all. Did she just get to sit in the cell doing absolutely nothing until someone took her away to experiment on her?

He pulled out a clipboard and began making a few notes. Perhaps he could do something to make things more bearable for her. Like a proper bed. He thought to his own niece, Lucy. She was almost eleven now but maybe they still had her old clothes or toys in storage. Of course, he'd have to get the okay from his superiors, and his wife, first. How had no one cared at all for this little girls well being?

The little girl began to stir and was visibly shocked to see an adult in her cell. The door was also open a little ways, probably because the inside of the door didn't have a handle at all. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. She didn't say a word but looked up at the man silently. He hadn't seemed to notice she was awake yet as he seemed to be writing something. She didn't bother trying to see what as she didn't know how to read at all. She recognized him as the man from earlier who had dropped his papers when he saw her. She thought of the sad face he had had then. He looked over at her and gave her a small smile.

"Well you're awake then, good." She looked a little frightened at what he said so he shook his head. "No, no. You are going to any experiments. I was just worried you wouldn't wake up. Before anything else, my name is Louis. What's your name, kiddo?" She didn't say anything she just got up and patted his hand to try and get him to follow her. He complied and she took a step outside her cell. She pointed up at the sign on the wall next to her door. It was the only written word she knew. SUZ-3. She calmly walked back into her cell again and sat down. He studied the wall for a moment before re-entering.

"May I sit beside you?" When she gave a small nod he sat down beside her. He looked at her quietly for just a moment before a big small hit his face.

"Well since we know your label is SUZ-3, why don't we change it to a better name? Would you like that? I mean you're a little girl, you deserve a proper name." She tilted her head at him in thought before nodding. Then she pointed at him.

"You want me to pick it?" Quick nod.

"Well alright, kiddo. How about...? Suzy? How does that sound? Its similar to your label so it would be easy to remember. She then did something he hadn't expected. She gave him a big smile while clapping and nodding enthusiastically.

"Well then, Suzy. Nice to meet you. Now our next mission. Would you like to help me make you some lunch?" She smiled and got up. He got up and offered her his hand. She hesitated a moment before taking it and smiling. Then they made for the kitchen.

Harleen Quinzel the 2nd.. (The Daughter of Harley and Joker)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu