Chapter 3

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Camila rushed home quickly as she can. She was too embarrassed to stop.
What was I thinking? I shouldn't have left the house in the first place. I could have waited a couple more days until the bruise heeled a little but no.. I had to see Lauren. Oh god what was Lauren thinking? Did she see the bruise? Had she figured out what was going on?

She ran upstairs to her apartment building. Her small apartment wasn't as nearly as beautiful as Lauren's condo. But for Camila.. It was just enough for one person, even though she lives there with Austin now. As she opened the door she saw Austin sitting in the chair across from there couch. He was motionless and quiet.
"Austin What are you doing?" He leaned forward in the chair.
Camilas heart sank to the bottom of her chest. Her whole body froze in fear when she realized what the dark haired man was holding.

It was a gun.


Lauren had been pacing back and forth throughout her living room still a little concerned for Camila. Normani sat on the couch watching as Lauren became more worrisome.
"Why don't you just go see her? You're bugging me with this annoying thing you're doing."

"I'm sorry if me being worried is bothering you." Lauren said sharply.

"It's is..."
Lauren continued to pace back and forth ignoring Mani's statement.
"Ugh!! Lauren just call her!!"

"Normani you don't understand. She ran away from me. She clearly doesn't want to talk. Maybe I shouldn't have kissed her."

"Woah woah what!??! You kissed her? You didn't tell me that. Doesn't she have a boyfriend or something?"

"Yeah his names Austin. He's an engineer or something. But that's not the point. The point is that she left again and it's my fault again! But this time I just don't know what I did."

"Maybe you overstepped... She does have a boyfriend."

"Mani that can't be it. I know for a fact she wanted me to kiss her."

"Did she say she wanted you to kiss her?"

"No but-"

"Well there you go. You just need to go talk to her. Straighten things out."
Lauren stopped pacing and thought for a moment. Maybe Normani was right. She had to find Camila and talk to her about them... About Austin .. About everything.
She gave Mani a hug before walking out the door with her keys. She was going to straighten this situation out. She decided to surprise Camila at her house. Good thing Camila told her where she lived earlier today at the coffee shop.


"Baby? Baby talk to me please." Camila stood in front of her door still unable to move. She watched as Austin moved his head into his hands still holding the gun.
Did he find out Camila had cheated? That she kissed Lauren? The thought had cross Camilas mind but quickly vanish when she realized that idea was absurd. There was no way he could have known that quick. Camila took a step forward. Calculating every step with every breath. Austin looked up and Camila paused.
"What are you doing?" Austin said tears now rolling down his face. It was clear that he had been drinking. Empty bottles of beer thrown on the floor and the smell lingered around the house.

"I was just trying to-"

"No. You don't get to do anything! You don't love me remember?!!!" Austin stood up as the words left his mouth.
So that is what this is all about? Camila didn't love him back and now she might have to pay the price with her life?

"Baby. I'm sorry. I do love you. I was just shocked this morning..."

"No you weren't!! I saw the way you looked at me with those big brown eyes. You don't love me.."

"Yes I do. I was scared. You promised me you would never hurt me again."

Austin paused and sat back down in his seat. Camila took a small sign of relief when she saw Austin release some tension from his body.
"I know.. I don't mean to hurt you. I just get a little angry sometimes."

"I know baby. I'm not blaming you okay. I love you. "
Camila tried her hardest to form a smile. The truth was that she hated him. She didn't want anything to do with him.. But if she left where would she go? What would she eat? He controlled all their money and Camila didn't know any of the passwords to the accounts. She was screwed.
She slowly made her way over to the chair where Austin sat. She kneeled down in front of him trying to make some contact. "Austin?"

He slowly looked at her coming face to face. Tears cascaded and for a split second Camila felt bad. She didn't understand why she had feeling for him, but she did.
She looked down at the gun and back at him.
Grab it Camila just grab it she thought.
Camila slowly reached for the gun. And for a second Austin was willing to give it to her until there was a knock on the door.
Austin stood up pointing the gun at the door.
"Who the hell is that?!!?"

"Baby calm down! Please." Camila raised both of her hands.

"Answer the door!" Austin said nudging towards the door. The gun still aiming that way.
Camila slowly walked towards the door. It was 6:30pm. Who could possibly be at the door this time of night.

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