Chapter 4

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"Answer the door!" Austin said nudging towards the door. The gun still aiming that way.
Camila slowly walked towards the door. It was 6:30pm. Who could possibly be at the door this time of night.

Camila slowly walked towards the door. She thought maybe the neighbor would have heard the noise and came over... It had to be it. She inched forward trying to be as slow as possible. When she reached the door she stood still for a moment. She looked back at Austin who still held the gun unsteady towards the door.
"Open it." Austin whispered.
Camila turned back around facing the door. Her hands trembled as she felt sweat dripping from her face. She could barely regulate her breathing. It had gotten so hot on the way to the door, all the anticipation and the nervousness- she felt as if her body was under attack.

Ok Camila.. Just open the door and tell that person to leave. Wait - should i tell them somehow what's going on? Or Should I stay quiet? Maybe I should just run. Yeah! If I run out the door and down the hall, by the time he gets out the door I'd be gone... But that's only if I run fast enough. Oh shit!! What about this person at the door? What do I do with them? Just leave them behind? Ughh. I can't, my conscious is too fucking big. I can't put anyone's life in danger not even if I wanted too. I guess I'm just going to have to go with my first idea. Tell them and hope that they call the police.

She opened the door only showing a quarter of her body... Her eyes widened once she realized who was at the door.

"Hi. My name is officer Kaynel. We got a call from your neighbor saying she heard a bunch of noise early. We just want to check and see if everything's okay."

Camila stood there not knowing if she should say something or just keep quiet. Even though she didn't love Austin she also didn't want him to go to jail. The tall blonde lady stood staring into the door waiting for Camilas response, her partner right behind her. Camila eyes looked towards Austin without turning her head.

"Yes. Ma'am. Everything is perfect." She forced out of her mouth.

I know that if I say something Austin will shoot. It might not hit one of us but it could go though a wall killing a neighbor or something. I can't take that risk. I have to find someway to take that gun away from him without causing chaos.

The officer nodded and turned around walking towards the steps. Camila closed the door and faced Austin. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw Austin lowering his gun. She walked over to Austin who was now calmly sitting in the chair. She bent down in front of him reaching for the gun.
She took it out of his hands placing it on the table beside him.
"Baby? Austin?"

He looked up at her as she held his face in her hands. The moment felt so innocent and so pure. Austin stood up grabbing Camilas hands and kissing both of them gently.

"I know I'm not the greatest person to be around, but I feel like we could work things out you know?" Austin confessed

"Camila. I know our relationship is bumpy. And I know that's sometimes I can get a little crazy. But I love you Camila. And I don't want to be with anybody else but you. So I wanted to ask you... Will you marry me?" Camilas eyes widened. She was speechless.

"I know I don't have anything to give to you right now but we could work it out. I will work over time to buy you a ring and we could have our wedding in my grandfathers backyard. It's big enough for both our family and friends." Austin smiled

Camilas head was spinning. If felt like she had been hit by a train.

Wtf!! How in the hell did I go from suicidal abusive boyfriend to suicidal abusive husband?? What the fuck!! No. I can't. I can't marry him after what he did. He can promise all he wants to, to stop hurting me but I know for a fact he won't stop. He will never stop.

"Austin... I can't marry you." Camila said confused as to why he even asked.
"I'm sorry but.. I'm not ready for any of that yet." She lied.
The truth was she was ready to settle down. But with someone who loves her. Someone who could protect her. Someone who doesn't beat her for no reason. Someone like Lauren.

She let go of his hands and lowered her head.
"I think we should take a break." She felt the words escape her mouth. Finally she had said it!! Finally she was free. Or so she thought.

"Wha-what do you mean take a break? I just asked you to marry me and you want to take a break!! No."

Austin grabbed Camila throwing her to the ground. He was pissed that Camila wanted to put things on hold for them.
"I love you Camila. Why can't you see that?"

He stood over top of her kicking her in her ribs with every word. Camila was now crying. She couldn't take all the pain. She yelled for Austin to stop but it was not use. He was upset and after all that beer he drank..this time he might not stop.
Camila tried getting up but it felt like someone was stabbing her in her stomach. The pain was unbearable.
Austin reached down and pulled Camila by her hair swinging her across the room. Camila tried once again to get away, crawling her way towards her phone.. But he was too quick for her. He pulled her by her ankles and sat over top of her smacking her across the face multiple times.
She couldn't take the pain. She rolled over into a ball. Her face burning and her ribs ached. Austin had stood up and walked over to the table where his gun sat. He grabbed it and pointed towards Camila.

"I'm sorry I have to do this. But if I can't have you. No one can..."

"Austin no. Please don't. I'm begging you. I will marry you. I promise. Just please don't!!"

He took a deep breath and watched as Camila closed her eyes waiting for the gunshot.

Bang! Bang! Austin turned his head away from Camila and towards the door. Someone was knocking. She fell back laying her entire body flat on the floor.
"Open up. It's the police. We've gotten another noise complaint."

Camila took a deep breath and looking at Austin. He slowly put his gun down on the table beside him and walked over to open the door.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes sir. Uhm... I'm officer Kaynel. I was here earlier. Our office got a call complaint coming from this room. Now this is the second complaint today!"

"Sorry It's uh.. My fault. I'll keep the noise to a minimum." Austin slowly shut the door. But the officer put her foot in the way.

"Where is the girl?"
Austin didn't flinch. He looked down at the officers foot who was blocking him from closing the door.

"She's sleep." He said. His tone was cocky and he knew that she couldn't do anything about it.
She looked back at her partner and moved her foot from the door.

"You have a nice day sir."
Austin closed the door and let out a breath.

"That was close." Camila said.
He turned around and saw the dark hair girl standing up with the gun in her hands pointed at Austin. His eyes widened and he put himself in a defensive stance.

"You remember all those times you told me you were going to take care of me? You use to always tell me that everything was going to be okay. And I was stupid enough to believe you." Camila frowned. Tears falling from her face.

"You made me feel like I was nothing.. And for that,
Fuck you!!!"

Austin stood silent for a moment. He looked at Camila and saw how hurt she looked physically and mentally. He also saw she wasn't holding the gun correctly. He lunged forward reaching for the gun. Camila pulled the trigger and shooting the wall behind him. He tried taking the gun out of her hands ending up falling on top of her. They both struggled back and forth trying to take control of the gun.
Camila groaned loudly as she tried her hardest to take control.

Bang! Bang! Bang!
The knocks on the door this time was loud and forceful.

"Open up!! It's the police!!! Open up now!!!"

Camila and Austin still struggled on the floor trying to take the gun away from each other. Austin manage to point the gun closer and closer towards Camilas head.

The police barged open the door at the same time the gun went off from Austin and Camilas hands. Red thick blood splattered on the wall and dripped on the floor. It was a clean shot straight through and there was no way Camila could get up after that.

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