Chapter 7

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I wish I could stay here forever. Stay here in this bed with Lauren forever! The pass two weeks have been the best days of my life. I couldn't keep my eyes off her. She's just so beautiful and super funny. When I'm with her my whole world stops for a moment. I think to myself.. I'm the luckiest girl in the world. Every time she comes near me I smile, I can't help it. The way her hips sway to my every beat is mesmerizing.

Camila sat up in the bed waiting for Lauren. It had been almost 10 minutes since she had left the room. At first Camila didn't think anything of it until she heard a loud noise coming from downstairs. She got up out of the bed and made her way down the steps.

"Lauren? Where'd you go?" Camila searched

"You can't hide from me forever." Camila smiled. She looked left and right but couldn't find her.

Well where the hell is she?
"Lauren?" Camila whispered. She walked around the corner and into the living and their was still no sign of her.
Did she leave? No. She wouldn't leave without telling me.

Camila walked over towards the couch and sat down. Her shoulders were tensing up, something the occurred more often after the accident. Camila was still curious about where Lauren had went so she decided to call her. She remembers seeing the phone in her back pocket before she went downstairs. Camila took out her phone and called Lauren's cell.
She paused for a moment..
A faint buzzing noise came from the kitchen... Wait no from the living room.. Something was wrong.
The noise couldn't be coming from both ways? That's impossible!
Unless the noise isn't coming from either side.

Camila looked down and could see a fading light under the couch.
Her phone fell under the couch.. But how?
Camila kneeled down on her knees and reached for Lauren's phone. She stood up and turned around.

Her eyes widened and her heart fell to the bottom of her stomach. She couldn't feel her arms or legs as both phones dropped from her hands. She suddenly became paralyzed. Austin stood almost 10 feet away holding Lauren. A knife was pressed against her neck. Camila didn't make any sudden movements.

"You thought you could get away from me? You thought you could cheat on me and everything would be okay? Huh!!" Austin yelled.

Camila still frozen in shock staring into Lauren's eyes. Lauren was quiet- she knew that any outburst from her could end her life.

"How could you do this to me Mila? How could you!! You're living with someone else- not to mention she's you fucking ex!!! How?" Austin paused waiting for Camila to answer.

"You hurt me. You kept hurting me." Camila voice was on the verge of cracking. She was so afraid he hands trembled in the process.

"I wouldn't have hurt you if you would have just did what I said!!! You said you loved me. You're coming back home with me!!" Austin demanded.

Camila looked at Lauren whose eyes had widened. Camila knew for a fact she wasn't going back to that place.. Not now not ever

"No" Camila shook her head

"What did you just say?"

"I said no Austin! I'm not going back."
Austin froze. He was stunned a little by Camilas tone in voice. But he was also hurt and very very angry.

"You're not coming back? Why? Because of her?"

Austin looked down at the green eyed girl who was breathing heavy. He raised his knife up closer to her neck as she squirmed in fear.

"Austin what are you doing?" Camila panicked.

" She's the reason why you can't marry me. I'm doing what I should have did a long time ago."

And without any warning Austin slit Lauren's throat. Lauren fell to the floor as blood gushed out of her body. She didn't move. Her body was lifeless.
Camila stopped. Her whole world on pause. Was this really happening? Did Austin just murder Lauren in front of her face?
She looked up from the floor where Lauren laid still and lifeless. She was dead. Austin murdered Lauren.
Rage and anger started to build inside of her and Camila charged at Austin screaming and crying!!

"It's your fault! I'm going to kill you!!!"
"Camila? Camila?"
Camila awoken to a familiar voice. She was laying in the bed dripping with sweat.
"Hey I think you had a bad dream."
Looking to her right Camila smiled. It's was Lauren.

"You fell asleep when we were watching friends. Then you started screaming. And saying weird things." Lauren's giggled.
"What's was your dream about?" She asked.

Camila sat up and turned towards Lauren.

"You don't want to know."

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