Chapter 5

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"Hey Normani." Lauren said answering the phone. Lauren had connected her phone to the Bluetooth in her car so she could talk on the phone hands free.

"So.. How did everything go? Did she cry? Did you cry? Tell me everything!!"

"Well actually I didn't get there yet.."

"Wait what? You've been gone for like an hour what happened?"

"Oh nothing.." Normani noticed Lauren's voice was higher than usual.

"You got lost didn't you?" Normani questioned.

"Whatttt...? Me. Getting lost?? Never."  Lauren lied.

"Okay the truth is I  couldn't remember what Street Camila said she lived on. I  know it was 432. But I can't  figure out if it was Trised st. or Tuscan rd. 
So I went to 432 Taskin st. first and I found a little small store named The Buttercup Bakery. And guess what? They had rice pudding!! I had to get some."

"Lauren... You were suppose to go to Camila and talk to her remember. You're staling?"

"I know I know. But it's not like she knows I'm coming anyway."

"Lo that's not the point. The point is-"

"I got you some carrot cake." Lauren interrupted
Her tone was a little seductive. She knew Normani couldn't resist Carrot cake.

"You did?  Did I ever mention you're the bestest in the whole wide world!"
They both giggled 

"Okay here's the plan.  I'm going to go to Camilas and tell her how I feel. Then she'll agree and we will live happily ever after.."

"Wow. Very productive plan." Normani said sarcastically.
"Maybe you should start with why she ran from you earlier?"

Normani was right. Lauren wanted to know badly why Camila had ran from her earlier today. Is it because she felt like she overstepped or maybe because she didn't have feelings for her.

"You're right. I'll start off with that."

"Good. Now hurry back home so I can devour that carrot cake."  Normani joked.

Lauren hung up the phone and made her way to Camilas house.
It was 7:33 and Lauren hadn't even thought exactly what she might say to Camila. She thought of ways she could tell Camila how she felt.

Camila I wanted you to know I care about you... No no that's sounds stupid. Okay. Let's start again. Camila I still have feelings for you... Hmmm  that's sounds a little better.

Lauren smiled as she reached the block Camilas apartment was on. She noticed the ambulance and all the police cars blocking the way.
What the hell happened here.. She thought.
Lauren parked her car across the street from all the action. She stepped out of the car and walked toward the crowd that was suspended around yellow police tape preventing them from passing. She manage to make her way to the front. She could barely see what was happening. She tried to get a closer look but a dark haired policeman who looked more like a rookie denied her access.

"Poor poor girl. She was beaten so bad by her boyfriend that he fractured her bones."
Lauren looked to find a tall brown haired girl standing to her right.

"What?" Lauren said confused looking the girl up and down. She looked familiar but Lauren couldn't think from where.

"Oh sorry... Im Dinah. Dinah Jane. My grandmother lives here and I sometimes stay with her. We know what happened."

"Dinah?"  She recognized the name. She remembered going to school with a girl named Dinah. But this couldn't be the same person. No the Dinah she remembered had bangs and short black hair.
"Did you by any chance go to Gabs Burrows High school?"

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