Chapter 8

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"Good morning!! " Camila smiled

Lauren turned around and saw Camila standing by her bedside holding a plate of food.

"Well actually good afternoon."

"Wh- what time is it?" Lauren yawned.

"It's 2 o'clock. You were sleep and you look so peaceful. I didn't want to wake you."

Lauren sat up on her bed rubbing her eyes. She didn't have to work today which meant more time for sleep. Something that she desperately needed.

"That was nice. Whatcha got there." She said staring at the plate Camila was holding.

"Oh! It's your brunch. I made you eggs and grilled cheese with a banana."

"Oh wow. That's sounds... Interesting."

Camila reached over to had Lauren the plate. The food was nice and warm, and it smelled delicious.

"You know you've done so much for me. You took care of me in the hospital and your taking care of me now..."
Lauren looked up from her plate and smiled at Camila.

"And I know me staying here is putting a lot more stress on you because I don't have a job. Which is why I've decided to get one."

Lauren looked at Camila surprised. She had just gotten out of the hospital 2 weeks ago and now she's ready to work? 

"I start tonight."

"Wait you already got the job? Where is it?"

"It's at the McClarin's Bar a block from here. Dinah works there and she got me a job that starts tonight. So what do you think?" Camila sat down on the bed.

Lauren paused for a moment.

I don't  think Camila is ready to start working. Just a few weeks ago she was in the hospital and now... She's getting a job?  And with Dinah?  Don't get me wrong. I like Dinah, she's funny and sweet. But them together.. Its like they're in third grade, giggling and laughing about everything. I guess they do have a bond between them because Dinah knew about the whole Austin situation, and I didn't. Maybe Camilas trust is stronger with her.  For now lets just hope that she isn't on the same schedule as Dinah.


"I got you on the same schedule as me." Dinah screamed.
It's was 5 o'clock and Lauren had drove Camila to her new job working as a bartender. Dinah was waiting to tell Camila the good news.. I guess being on the same schedule was good news for everyone... Everyone except Lauren.

"Omg! Seriously.. That's so perfect!" Camila screamed back.

"Yup. You are officially working from 5-11pm every Monday through Friday. And you will make roughly about 10 dollars an hour. A Little more if people are feeling generous with tips." Dinah smiled giving Camila her name tag.

"So let's get to work." Dinah walked over to the counter motioning Camila to follow her.
Lauren stopped Camila before she could move pass her.

"Are you sure you want to do this? You don't have to work because you think im stressed. Im fine. And the house is paid for trust me."

"Lauren I'm not just working because of that. I need something to do. I can't just sit around everyday waiting for you to come home. I guess I'm just bored. And besides.. It won't feel like work with Dinah here."
Camila smiled turning back to Dinah.

"Okay." Lauren forced a smile onto her face and watched as Camila walked towards the counter. 

I guess I'm just going to have to deal with the fact that they are friends. Nothing more.


"Break time." Dinah called out to Camila.
Since they had the same schedule, it meant they also had the same break.
It was 8 o'clock. They had an hour for break since there work hours were longer than usual.

"Hey you want to get pizza from Debasandro's?" Dinah asked.

"From across the street? Yeah sure."

They put their jackets on and left the bar walking across the street to the pizza store. They walked up to the counter and were greeted by a short blonde haired lady.
After she took their orders they both sat down and waited for the food. They started talking about their day and Camila had told her about Lauren, and how they are dating. She was excited and happy for them.

After that It didn't take that long for their food to arrive. And they were hungry enough to eat fast. They left the restaurant and still had time to spare before going back to work. So they decided to go for a walk.

"So you and Lauren.. Is it seriously?" Dinah and Camila walked side by side down the street.

"Well I mean, I'm serious about her. So yeah I guess."

Dinah nodded

"What about you? Whose the special person in your life right now?"

Dinah looked at Camila and smiled.

"You want me to be completely honest?"

"Of course Dinah. Why would I ask if I didn't." Camila giggled.

Dinah stopped walking, and Camila didn't notice.

"Camila, it's you. You're who I want to be with. You're my special person."

Camila stopped turning around to Dinah letting out a small huff.
Silence washed over; there was nothing to say. They didn't know what to do. Each of them frozen in time unable to move.
And without warning Dinah walked up to Camila and kissed her. The sad part was Camila didn't push away.

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