Chapter 6 - Part 1

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2 weeks later

Camila was officially out of the hospital and Lauren wanted to make her first day back special. She planned a dinner with just the two of them. Lauren asked Camila to stay with her for a while. She wanted to make sure that Camila was taking care of. Normani agreed to letting Camila stay in her room since she already had room and board on campus.

"Can you stir that for me." Lauren said.
She and Camila had been cooking for about an hour now getting ready for her Welcome back dinner.

"Sure thing." Camila stirred the pot that's was filled with pasta.
She had been dying to eat some real food. Being stuck in the hospital for two weeks eating hospital food was grossing her out. She was sick of it.

"I'll set the table." Camila said grabbing the plates

"Oh no you won't!! The doctor said no heavy lifting." Lauren grabbed the plates from Camilas hands.

"Lauren.. They are plates. I wouldn't call that heavy lifting."

"You can never be too safe. But you can take the cups." Lauren smiled.

"But I wanted to be helpful!" Camila whined.

"You are. Putting cups on the table is helpful. And me staring at your beautiful face motivates me to do more."
They both giggled and Lauren walked over and gave Camila a kiss on the forehead.

Phone Rings.
They both looked down at their pockets.
"It's mine." Camila said
Lauren smiled and continued to set the table.

"Hello?... This is she..."
Lauren watched as Camilas smile slowly decreased and she was left looking kind of nervous.
"Okay thank you so much."

Lauren looked at Camila waiting for her to tell her what was wrong.

"That was my lawyer. He said he got a call from the hospital saying Austin woke up from his coma and he managed to somehow get ahold of the doctors key card."

"What does that mean?" Lauren's smile now decreasing too.

"It means.. He broke out."

A day after the accident Camila and Lauren had found out that Austin wasn't dead like she thought. She had shot him in the front of his skull gracing the outside of it. Which was why he was knock unconscious. If Camila would have hit any closer to his head she would have kill him in cold blood.
Austin was taken to the hospital and fell into a coma shortly after the incident. Police and staff watched him carefully which is why Camila doesn't understand how he could break out.

"How could they let him out?!! They probably weren't even paying attention!!!" Camila said pacing back and forth.

"Camila calm down okay."

"No I can't calm down Lauren. What if he comes after me huh? Then what?"

"Then I will protect you okay. I'm not going to let anything happen to you. And besides. He doesn't even know where you are. So stop worrying. Your safe with me."

Lauren gave Camila another kiss on her forehead to try and comfort her.
She walked back towards the table and continued setting it. Lauren knew she had to be brave for Camila, because she could see that on the inside Camila was terrified.
But Lauren wasn't afraid of Austin...
Besides whats the worse thing that could happen?

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